
RNinRubySlippers BSN, RN

Acute Medicine/ Palliative

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All Content by RNinRubySlippers

  1. I would say know your heart meds and your respiratory meds WELL! Anti coagulants and insulins. Also, its a wonderful idea to know a prototype med for each category! I have used Davis drug guide through my forst 3 years and its invaluable. At the begi...
  2. Nursing Grad Party Help

    Hey everyone! I am planning a big grad party for my best friend who graduated from nursing school this year! One year before me! What I am asking for are ideas for a medical/nurse themed party, such as decorations, food all that jazz... Your ideas a...
  3. Nursing Grad Party Help

    thanks bobnurse for the thoughtful caring reminder! I am gonna take keys!
  4. Advice For The New Nurse Entering Med-Surg

    Thanks so much for your responce NUrsing04! Much appreciated! I will let you know how things go my first week! Bexx
  5. Advice For The New Nurse Entering Med-Surg

    Hey everyone. I am on summer break between my 3rd and 4th year and have been given the opportunity to work as a Undergraduate Nurse in my local Hospital. I will be working on a acute medical unit/palliative ward and couldnt be more excited (and nervo...
  6. Reading Recomendations

    you could read over lab values stuff...its actually interesting. Basic stuff like: Chemistry, Hematology, urinalysis. What they look for in each of these catergoires is good to know and what the values mean. Its cool when you actually have time to re...
  7. Smiles for patients

    may i chime in a bit? There IS a way to say thinks nicely on a BB, believe it or not, so things are not interpreted too off base. I like to use smilies and stuff like that in the text to show I am NOT attacking the person in anyway-not am I saying an...
  8. What A & P book do you use?

    I found Tortora & Grabowski so much easier than Marieb! Unbelievably easier! Isnt that odd..its all the same stuff we need to know! I mean, how can one book be that different? Scary kinda... lol
  9. Are LPNs nothing but a "set dressing?"

    Well stated JNanRN! You are very professional and I thank you for that. I feel there is and always will be some RNs and LPNs that cant get it together to make teamwork what it can be. Too much competition. My advice is silply...."Get over it"
  10. New Grad, new job, night shift, SAFETY

    so curious...where did you go to school? How long was your perceptorship? I am sooo curious as to how each school provides experiences for students. Thanks and I hope this all turns out well for ya!
  11. Interventions

    I am looking to buy a book of interventions on various things such as, SOB, Chest pain and other fairly frequentstuff we run into...any ideas? Much appreciated...
  12. My Nursemates are falling apart.....

    I have Pothia brand duty shoes. They are so comfy. My feet and legs are never sore at the end of the day. They are leather and have good arch support! I would def purchase again. They look like Birkinstocks (sorta same shape to toe) but the sole is s...
  13. Discontinuing Feeding Tubes

    Personally, I feel it is a personal family matter-a total ethical dilemma at that. I do not believe it isthe medias place to bring forth half truths and sesationalize it to the public. I am sad for Terri, not for this only, but for what happened to h...
  14. Canadian Nursing Schools

    There are great schools in BC too you know! There is UBC and UVic as well as a wonderful university college (UCFV) that I highly recommend. Alot of the nurses on wards I have worked with prefer the students from UCFV because they have more clinical ...
  15. Started preceptorship yesterday 13 hours- ugh!

    Jenn, how long is your perceptorshhip and how many hors. I do mine in January. We have to complete 4x 12 hr/ week for 16 weeks. I am curious re your # of weeks or hours!
  16. An Ethical Dilemma

    the principles of bioethics may help you decide what you ought to do. Pt autonomy outweighs all unless harm is possible to the pt. Look into the principles of beneficence and non malificence.THey will guide you. And yes, the age of consent is out th...
  17. What is your biggest nursing pet peeve?

    I am curious, Is this your observation? Or are you a student? Just curious
  18. Research topic ideas!

    Thank you so much! I actually tried to access that last night but I could not for the life of me get a connection. Thanks again!!! Becky
  19. Research topic ideas!

    Hello there! I am wondering if any of you have an idea for a reseach topic. I am looking for a best practice issue that is not being implemented at your hospital, of is implemented, but not being followed! Any ideas would be WONDERFUL! basically, ne...
  20. Research topic ideas!

    thanks so much for the response. If anyone else has an idea or two, lemme know! Thanks ever so much Becky
  21. Mixing meds for an IV Direct (push)

    Is this common practice where you work? Is it best practice? I am thinking of looking into this for a research study. I just need a but of feedback. What is your hospitals policy? Thanks all! Very greatful nursing student :)
  22. Ensure you contract for safety with your patients!! This is key! I would say know your classifications of meds, because they are all very similar with in your classifications. Know about EPS and how that is managed. Dont fell bad if they tell you ...
  23. Are you being taught Holistic Nursing?

    My school covers both Holistic care and complimentary therapies extensively in our 4 yr BSN program. I would be appauled if a school did not teach holistic nursing care!
  24. what do you use: notebooks/binders/other??

    I use 2" binders for the monster classes (1 subject) then put 2 subjects in one 2"! Works wonderfully! HTH!
  25. Does this annoy you?

    Good Lord, and we drop this topic. It can be very offensive and hurtful as we have seen to others. Be elated by your awesome marks, or sad regarding less that what you though, but discuss it woth a family member or fellow classmate you trust! I j...