

Dialysis, Nephrology & Cosmetic Surgery

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All Content by LiverpoolJane

  1. Band 7 Interview

    Sorry to hear that, but as you say you've had some experience at band 7 interviews so will help for the future.
  2. Band 7 Interview

    Sorry I didn't see this sooner to offer some advice but now I have just wondering how you got on?
  3. is it too late for everything?...

    Are you getting mixed up with Calif - who won't issue a license with a SS number and people were having to ask for an extension?
  4. RCN has adopted a neutral stance on assisted suicide...

    I think they did, as the RCN were opposed to assisted suicide not so long ago, then I heard a news report saying that in view of a small majority of members being for it they would take a neutral stand and not oppose. I am in the RCN and am quilty of...
  5. What is the best path to take?

    Hi Josh, I'm not sure where you are from but I'm guessing the US? As far as I am aware you would need the three year course and not one of the two year / accelerated ones as the number of clincal and theory hours wouldn't be enough. You would need t...
  6. Interesting article about "diploma mills"

    I don't think people are in denial but rather trying to defend themselves against a peceived slur on their professionalism. I have read the article and I really don't think it is referring to nursing diplomas, the only reference to nurses is that it ...
  7. Why Do So Many Non-Nurses Post in the "International Nursing "Forum?

    I agree with the sentiment that to be a member of AN you really should be a nurse. There is a UK site I am a member of and to join you have to provide your NMC PIN. Not sure if that is something I'd like to see here but I think there should be som...
  8. How's mum? I've no idea, cos you're the 15th relative who's phoned in the last 30 minutes, so I haven't been able to get of the phone long enough to go see her!
  9. presentation advice

    I am the same but I push myself to do it anyway. My last presentation was to a room full of senior nurses / managers including the new Director of Nursing services. I got that nervous I couldn't read what was on my slides at one point but I muddled ...
  10. I would rather have no interaction with some of them at all. I would like there to be a trap door in the floor where they have to stand to use the intercom - when you see the on the CCTV who it is just press a button to release the doors and a slide...
  11. How do you tell someone they smell bad?

    Very difficult and something I've not had to do. I would try and minimise embarrassment if possible and try to enquire firstly if they had some sort of skin complaint?? You could say that you thought you could smell some lotion / ointment on them -...
  12. acute rehab vent

    I suspect it will be different from Trust to Trust. In my last Trust we had rehab wards that were in effect like any other medical ward with "office hours" medical cover as well as the same access to on call care as any other pt in the hospital. We...
  13. update on UK TO USA

    I only done 8 weeks clinical - 300 hours in total which was enough, I can't remember how many hours theory I did the minimum would have been 37.5 hours I think.
  14. update on UK TO USA

    You need to contact the California BONs website and complete the documents there. This will include a verification of education that needs to be completed by your old school of nursing, as like me you done the "traditional" nurse training your recor...
  15. on the other side

    I'm so sorry, this must be dreadful for you especially being so far away. I'm praying for a happy outcome.
  16. UK Hospitals Policies ???

    My previous hospital didn't allow mobile phones, it used to be said that they interfere with medical equipment. Now I think it is accepted that this is no longer the case but hospitals pay outside companies to provide TV and phone services. Unfortu...
  17. update on UK TO USA

    Peter, you can have someone sponsor you without having passed your NCLEX, at least they can offer you sponsorship on the basis you pass your NCLEX, no papers can be filed until then. To apply for you visa screen you need to have your NCLEX as they w...
  18. Desperately seeking America

    As SD says this look grim at the moment. I passed NCLEX and have been approved for my greencard and I am sitting in what looks like a very long queue. What I would advise is that you get the ball rolling sooner rather than later in regard to your BO...
  19. US Relaxes Visa Requirements

    Hi Alex, I'm not sure if I am or not and I don't know a whole lot about the subject. I think I'm right in saying the H1B is a temporary visa and not a greencard and I would have to apply for AOS?? Anyway as it happens it suits me to wait as I have...
  20. US Relaxes Visa Requirements

    Narrowdots, this is just wishful thinking!! I have a sponsor and have my PD but there really are no visas and from what I understand the next figures will not be released until October. I have been told by my agency that I should do nothing as regard...
  21. OK now you've got me really hungry with all this talk of food and I'm going off topic. Can you get Fillipino food in the US anywhere like you can get at home and as I've never been to there but I have been to Thailand are they alike food wise?
  22. NHS urged to curb staff sickness

    Another thing that makes a mockery of the whole thing is that when you are off sick you still get paid axtra duty. When I was a very new ward manager I had a memeber of staff phone me to say she hadn't been paid night duty rate while she was off sic...
  23. NHS urged to curb staff sickness

    I've waited a few hours before replying to this thread as I am a hot head and tend to speak from the heart and it is sometimes in opposition to the majority. I have been a manager in the NHS and in the private sector and I know that sickness in the p...
  24. KSF Second gateway question

    In my previous job I was a ward manager and had to complete a document after 6 months of qualifying to allow the new member of staff to move to the second increment. I had to sign to say that I could if requested to do so, provide the evidence they ...
  25. DUMB QUESTION re: NP attire in UK

    The answer is they could wear anything depending on the hospital. The hospital I work in has quite a few NPs and some wear navy blue scrubs, another wears navy trousers and a pale blue tunic - which I find confusing as it is the same colour, differe...