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About Samanthavv

I'm Samantha. I'm twenty years old, the oldest of eight children on my mother's side and a full time student. I have a little girl who is almost two years old, and I am expecting a little boy on Mother's Day, 2009. I have been married for two years.

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  1. Did you see this on the Today Show?

    I don't think its fair you're ganging up on them. I'm nineteen and pregnant with triplets. Two identical one fraternal. And I didn't use any fertility drugs. Stuff like this DOES happen sometimes. It's very rare, but it DOES happen.
  2. Unsure Where To Begin...

    My name is Samantha, and I have recently decided I wanted to be a nurse. I had my daughter, via cesarean on August 29th, 2007. Before then, I had always been interested in fields having to do with biology and had considered nursing at one point, but...