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All Content by Erinkate2959

  1. Exciting News!!!!!!!!

    Congrats on passing!! Our school does HESI subject tests after each semester. They are pretty tough, but it is helpful that the program breaks it down for you what sections you need to work on.
  2. how many of you have already decided your field

    I am so unsure of where I want to work when I am finished. I change my mind almost daily. Many people (including lots of my teachers) have said that new nurses should always start in Med/Surg, but I am more interested in Critical care. Where I wil...
  3. TJU/Philly

    Yes, I am a student at TJU. What program are you applying for? I am in the FACT program- an accelerated program for second degree students. If you have any questions I would be happy to try to answer them for you.
  4. accelerated BSN programs

    I am currently in an accelerated second degree program in Philly. During the first semester there is no way that I could have found time to work, it was really intense. But now, in the third semester, many of us work every other weekend as nurse ex...