After 20 years as a dedicated RN, I've transitioned to a Licensed Financial Professional, earning financial freedom and empowering others to do the same. I'm now helping people take control of their...
Dear Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program Applicant: Thank you for your interest in the 2011 Nursing Education Loan Repayment Program (NELRP). We regret to inform you that we are unable to award...
Them board members and management are one of the same, they allow for these fat salaries to be dished out and put our communities in distress. Every entity receiving tax payer dollars should fully...
These same CEOs that you consider to be so smart, turned our health institutions into a laughing stock and this bothers me. Many of us seek healthcare where we work and if you are put in a position to...
I do not have a problem with having my salary publicized or capped but are the higher ups willing to do the same? secondly upper administrations can be so layered in some instances there is no body...
I think its important to know how much your Hospital CEO makes because they seem to think the bedside help costs too much but they hardly have any concept of what is involved. For example is it...
Could the abuse be from both ends? Some times the body is willing but the mind is distorted. You wanna work but when you get there you are drained we deal with lives and not