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All Content by rebmem

  1. Nov test takers

    Thank you all for the prayers, boost of confidence and the camaraderie. I will be back here on Monday night to let you all know how it went. I followed Suzanne's plan and I am hopeful that I will be added to her list of successful NCLEX-takers. God ...
  2. Nov test takers

    I am taking it this Monday, November 5th. It looks like I'm the first one to take it from the November test-takers you already have down. I wish that we all pass. This will be my second time. My first time was 3 months ago. (To all --- take a minute...
  3. Took Nclex Yesterday, Please Read

    Thanks for your advice. You're definitely right about having a clear mind during the exam -- which I didn't have when I took mine 3 months ago. I am once again trying, but this time I know that all the negative feelings in my head are gone. You seem...
  4. lost sheep

    Same situation here. I took mine 3 months ago and didn't pass. I will be taking my 2nd one in 3 weeks. I thought I was ready and had so much confidence that I would pass.......but it didn't happen. I believe that there is a reason for everything. Fo...
  5. Repeat questions on NCLEX?

    Just relax.....I am pretty sure that you'll pass. I have so much in common with you. I had 265 the first time, however, I haven't had the courage to retake it. I don't think my confidence level is as high as yours. Let us know how you did.
  6. first week of NOV. NCLEX post here!!

    I was with the October group, but decided to join the November group instead (hehehehe) I will be retesting on November 5th. This will be my 2nd (first was Aug.1st). I need your company to keep me focused and anxiety free. I am praying that we all pa...
  7. Took The Nclex Yesterday & Ran Out Of Time!

    Sorry to hear about your NCLEX experience. What can I tell you? I've been to your situation two months ago, the only difference is that I hurried to answer up to 265 knowing that I am running out of time. Unfortunately, I didn't know that you could ...
  8. please pray for me

    You're in my prayers. God knows how hard we are working to pass NCLEX. As long as we will dedicate our education to serving the sick, HE will surely grant our wishes. I will be testing soon also (for the second time)...Let God be with us. Amen.
  9. I Passed!!!

    Congratulations. It gives me hope. I am testing for the second time next week, but I might postpone because some part of me says I'm not ready. Your story is an inspiration. I know if there's a will, there's a way. Good luck with your career.
  10. Failed at 265.....Passed at 76

    I took my first test in on August 1st....failed at 265. It was horrible. I am taking my second one on Oct. 17th. I am more nervous now than before. The first time I was so ready, felt that I studied enough, but still didn't make it. This time conce...
  11. taking nclex 2nd time around

    Yes, you can do it. Be positive....that's what I've been doing. I am also taking my 2nd attempt in October, a day earlier than you. You have the right attitude....keep it strong.
  12. failed with 265 and near passing on everything...

    Sorry to hear that you didn't pass the second time. I didn't pass my first test either, and I will be testing in a month for my second one. Honestly, I thought I did well with 265 questions the first time. I had mostly near passing, a couple of abo...
  13. I just passed the NCLEX RN on my 2nd try... ITS POSSIBLE

    Congrats Valfromcal. I've followed your previous postings and I relate with your experience. I willl be taking my 2nd try next month , and you give me confidence that I can do it. Good luck with your career.
  14. I passed nclex 2nd time

    Congrats Tina. I will be a second taker soon....just wondering when did you take your first exam? How long did you study for the second one? Congrats again and good luck in your RN career.
  15. Already Failed NCLEX-RN Once & Just Took It Again

    Good luck to all you second takers. I am in the same situation right now. I just found out that I failed and I am trying to get back to studying (but it is hard). To all of you, I wish you luck. I know how hard it is. I am praying that all of you w...
  16. Thank you. This is very helpful. Excellent job. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
  17. I passed!

    Hi Laliza, I recently failed my first NCLEX exam. I am hoping to retake it end of Sept or early October. I am reading a lot about Suzanne's plan. Looks like it really worked for you. Congratulations. Did you use any other book(s) or was it s...
  18. 120 questions...

    There's really no telling whether you passed or not. Everyone has the same feeling once they leave the testing center. People pass at 75 and fail at 75. Some get 265 and pass while others don't. Just pray and wait till your name is posted online. ...
  19. 1hotrn, I received my letter today; it's confirmed - I didn't pass! I will start studying now and will follow your advice. I have high hopes that I will pass next time, I only had one below passing, all the rest near passing. I have less than a mo...
  20. 1hotrn, Thanks for the advice; it gives me confidence that I will definitely pass on my second try. I am still waiting for my result in the mail, but I already know that I didn't pass because it's been 2 wks and it hasn't posted online. From,...
  21. Just took NCLEX-RN today...

    What state are you in? If you took it in CA, it should post on Tuesday. Try to check your BRN's website on Tuesday morning. Good luck.
  22. Wal-Mart has Everything

    This is hilarious.........just what I need --- funny, funny, funny (helps me forget about not passing NCLEX).
  23. Still waiting for my CA NCLEX results!

    Peacemind2007, Do you know your result yet? I took mine on the 1st of this month; I have not received anything in the mail. I contacted BRN today and I was told that the result was mailed on 8/15 ---- so I guess that's my not passing result. ...
  24. Did not pass first attemt NCLEXRN. Help!

    Hi Newestlilnurse, You and I are in the same situation. I had just taken my exam on August 1st......I felt really bad about the test. When I left the center I knew that I didn't pass. I had 265 questions. When my name didn't post online after 3...
  25. Nclex Tips & A Shot In The Arm Please!

    Devil Duckie, I took my test in CA. Unfortunately, our state doesn't have quick result. It's hard and painful. Thanks for the info. My letter should be arriving soon since it has been more than two weeks since I took my exam. Good ...