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  1. CRNA school and babies -- can you have both?

    Thanks MB37.... I liked reading your point of view about FL. Lots of people would say how great it was and not really mean what they were saying. Your post was very honest. Oh, just so you know, I am from Pennsylvania, no insulting taken here;)......
  2. CRNA school and babies -- can you have both?

    MB37, How do you like living in FL? I am thinking of moving there for another master degree program........
  3. CRNA school and babies -- can you have both?

    Thank you!!!
  4. CRNA school and babies -- can you have both?

    This is just my opinion on some of the other post....I am not trying to be harsh.... I understand where some of you are coming from. I am 30 also. I got the "getting old thing"....I understand completely....but I was always taught " Make it simple ...
  5. CRNA interview--please help

    I agree!!!!
  6. CRNA school and babies -- can you have both?

    WHAT!!!! Your only 24!!!! You have so much time to have babies later!! Get your schooling, and all the other professional aspriations that you have, done first. Reap the rewards for your hard work with being able to care for your child with or withou...
  7. CRNA Salaries - Will They Drop?

    Not that I think they would make the salaries drop, but that they should be added into the "supply and demand" points that were made in other post.......
  8. CRNA Salaries - Will They Drop?

    without causing another thread to be re-opened or any anger .....There is another group out there that may help aleviate the shortage(jobs) of Anesthetist...this must be included in your outcomes ( whether salaries will drop)
  9. I got accepted, but I'm confused

    UH.....I would call the school........That is a bit out of the norm.... maybe that is the way they do things, but I would check on that if I were you.....
  10. DNP required soon?

    I agree with you 1000%....... The problem comes when people do not explain their roles to the patient as explicitly as they should.....There was a CRNA that I worked with that had a PhD in Sociology and would introduce herself as Doctor So and So.......
  11. Should I retake these classes

    Definitely take them over.... No need to make yourself look bad after all the hard work you have put in your other classes... Plus it brings up your GPA......
  12. Why Do Anesthesiologists Despise CRNA's?

    Well said........
  13. CRNA Prerequisites

    If your plan is to go to medical school, then get your degree in the sciences first. I just took the MCATs myself and you HAVE to have them. As far as having another degree and your ADN, there are some programs that will allow you to have a B.S. in...
  14. DNP required soon?

    To each their own......
  15. DNP required soon?

    Some of these that you have mentioned do not call themselves Doctor in a hospital setting. For example, the professor that has a docotorate in English does not walk into the hospital and call himself/herself doctor "So -n- So". I agree that patient...
  16. DNP required soon?

    There are plenty of people in a hospital setting that where white lab coats. As a scientist I wear a white lab coat ( in the hospital). I also wore a white lab coat as a surgical technician and as a surgical assistant because it is policy in my hos...
  17. Husband & wife both in CRNA school....

    I agree with Ready4CRNA?. Maybe you can try to alternate start times of the programs. One of you should finish the program then the other start. I am saying this from experience from an even harder front. I am a single mother of a 9 year old. I ...
  18. DNP required soon?

    I agree with little fish. Calling yourself a doctor in the clinical setting is a sure misrepresentation to the public. There is enough confusion with patients not knowing or understanding peoples job titles in the hospital as it all ready is. No n...
  19. Can a CRNA become a............

    Isn't that the truth!