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About littlemack

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  1. 2 Nurses needed???

    It may be "old school" to verify insulin and heparin, but it only takes one mistake to ruin your future and also the life of the patient you are providing care to. Most definitely heparin and insulin should be verified with another nurse and the orde...
  2. RNC program for OB

    I have been certified in Inpatient OB for close to 15 years. It was a good decision and I was supported by the university after I achieved the certification. Each year I was alloted a large sum of money to use for either education, CEU's or conferenc...
  3. Crash Sections

    "Been there and done that." I was lucky to be working at a teaching hospital at the time. A red head was bleeding profusely from an abruption and we received a call from the fire department who was transporting her to us. FHT's in the 40's. From admi...