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All Content by opalmRN

  1. Bus Disaster

    This infuriates me more than I can express here. What makes me even angrier is that the bozos who organized this haphazrd way to transport these frail people will most likely get a slap on the wrist. :angryfire I am contacting our DON and asking wha...
  2. Anyone Know of an Online Micro Class?

    It is not impossible as I and several people I know have done it successfully. We did culture staph along with e. coli and several others. Everything comes in the lab kit along with agar for making plates. Defintely not impossible.
  3. Anyone Know of an Online Micro Class?

    Actually missing out depends where one takes the online course. I took an online micro with a lab and we grew all sorts of organisms, etc. The course was through CCConline and the specific school was CC of Denver. The course requires a separate pu...
  4. Hmmmm sounds a lot like DCN's program except the "faculty with the student's help" rather than the student with the faculty help find the clinical sites. Draw back of the summer clinical though. I guess each program has it's own trade offs. Opal
  5. That really depends on the hospital. I have done all my clinical for DCN at various hospitals with no clinical instructor and it has worked extremely well not to mention some of the facilites are now considering starting such a program. Good point....
  6. Online Science Courses

    Best to check with the school you want to transfer into. Opal
  7. :) Thanks
  8. OK, I'm a bit slow what is the UW website? Thanks
  9. When do you graduate?

    September is so close, you must be so excited. Temporary practice permit, what state are you living? Just curious b/c not all states offer. Opal
  10. When do you graduate?

    Having the CPNE out of the way in November will make for a great holiday and then it will be January in the blink of an eye. Good for you! Opal
  11. When do you graduate?

    November 18th is a good day (one of my children's birthdays) I'll be thinking of ya in September. Best wishes, knock em dead! Opal
  12. When do you graduate?

    WOW that's this week, CONGRATULATIONS!! :balloons:
  13. When do you graduate?

    Not sure why you are skeptical but I'm pulling for ya anyway!! Opal :)
  14. There are some previous threads on this BB with lots of replies about all of the above mentioned you might try a search on each by name. Welcome to AN! Opal
  15. Why???????

    :balloons: CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU!! :balloons:
  16. When do you graduate?

    WAY TO GO!!!!! So proud of you lady.
  17. When do you graduate?

    May will be here before you know it. Keep the focus. Opal
  18. When do you graduate?

    I hear the CPNE can be very nerve wracking, good for you! Bet you are sooooo glad to have that out of the way. Opal
  19. Any Pennsylvania Deaconess grads?

    I decided to go straight through for the RN. In PA you can apply for a temporary practice permit once you finish the PN program and it is good for one year. Since I knew I would finish the RN portion during that time, I didn't feel a need to sit fo...
  20. Deaconess Questions

    As for transfering from EC to DCN, you would have to speak with someone at DCN. Validations are held at the end of each clinical semester in St. Louis. (I believe this would apply to semester 2-6). Validations are typically 3 or 4 days total depen...
  21. Any Pennsylvania Deaconess grads?

    Hi there, Sorry it took we a while to respond I don't frequent the boards as much right now. I will finish DCN this year. If you would like, pm me and I can share my experience with you. DCN is not a problem in PA. Opal
  22. Watch Your Language - Breast Isn't Best!

    THIS is my all time favorite and I just have to respond with, "you couldn't see into your body so how did you know your baby was getting what he/she needed to grow then?"
  23. mothering magazine

    I subscribed to Mothering many, many years ago (at least 16). I found it to be a pleasant alternative to "Parents" which was (at that time anyway) filled with nothing more than advertisements and redundant stories. I agree, "Mothering" is very diffe...
  24. Becareful with ccconline

    That's interesting as I have taken several classes through ccconline as have other people I know and the transcript has the course and the grade and is exactly the same as those who have taken courses in the classroom. As for a course description th...
  25. Crack babies, need advice

    I will be starting my second OB/GYN rotation in a week at a facility with a high rate of crack addicted babies. I welcome anyone's input who has experience with these poor souls as far as what is "normal" for them, any tricks for sleepiing position...