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All Content by opalmRN

  1. Deaconess grad

    Congratulations my friend, we made it!!!!! I too can't believe I graduated before they threw my butt in jail! It's good to have that behind me too. Are we really gonna do this again. LOL :roll :roll We must be nuts or bored I'm not sure which! We...
  2. Deaconess grad and........

    You can find several threads on this BB about DCN which may be helpful. What specific questions do you have?
  3. just don't get it

    Thanks, I wish I could take credit for it cause it really says it all for me!
  4. just don't get it

    Finishing my RN through online program and continuing on BSN online as well. I have attended traditional schools in the past for previous degrees and I can say at my age now, I prefer the online delivery. I have also taken courses with the lecture p...
  5. Looking For Other Pa Nurses!!!!

    Hi Lanette, Some of us are students, I am in my last semester of ASN program. Have you checked out the student forums? There is a wealth of information shared b/w students (and nurses too) on those sites. Is there a particular class you are findi...
  6. This is good, I need to remember this line! Thanks Opal
  7. Deaconess grad and........

    9 1/2 weeks left. It won't be long and you will be finished too. Keep plugging along. Opal
  8. Online Science Courses

    There are several colleges offering A&P online. I will tell you straight out they are very time consuming and involved. That being said, A&P by it's very nature requires a great deal of time so online is no different in that aspect than onc...
  9. Any Excelsior students?

    Well to answer this question, yes and no. I was all set, received my acceptance letter from EC, sent in my $750 (or whatever the amount was) and was working on NC 1 when I had second thoughts. Not about the school but about myself and success with ...
  10. Any Excelsior students?

    I would like to know if anyone in this forum is or has completed their ADN through Excelsior College (formerly Regents)? If you have I would like to know your experience, good or bad and also what your background was prior to entering the Excelsior p...
  11. Deaconess grad and........

    this is great news, now it's time to relax and celebrate opal
  12. Has Anyone Ever Taken The ATI NCLEX Predictor?

    I am wondering if I am talking about the same thing as the predictor. I'll have to hit the ATI website again and look for the predictor. We use the module exams and then one comprehensive at the end of the program. Maybe this is not the same test....
  13. Has Anyone Ever Taken The ATI NCLEX Predictor?

    If we don't do well, we have to take it again. Then if we don't do well we have to remediate and then if we don't do well the third time we have to repeat the entire last semester. OK, I'm all for repeating something if one does not do well after t...
  14. medical assistant to RN

    No problem, that is what we do support and help one another!
  15. NCLEX yesterday 265

    I hear this feeling is not uncommon after the test. I can't offer any words of wisdom as I have not taken it yet, but I wanted to let you know someone is thinking about you. :icon_hug: Please keep us posted! Opal
  16. Pre-reqs for LPN-RN??

    This depends on the school and program. Our program does not require "pre-reqs" but the more non-nursing classes you have completed before hand, makes your life less stressful. Some programs do require some pre-reqs sciences just as an example, bef...
  17. medical assistant to RN

    Just a little correction, it is 3LPN and 3 more for ADN. It was 4 and 3 up until the last year. Just didn't want anyone to bite you :chair: because of this error! Opal
  18. Has Anyone Ever Taken The ATI NCLEX Predictor?

    I also have a few questions regarding ATI. Our school uses this system too, one after each clinical course and then a comprehensive at the end. We have access to the "practice" exam on the ATI website prior to the proctored exam at the end of the cl...
  19. Is this new grad a nut or what? Opinions please !

    WOW, what facility is this I want to come work there when I graduate! 2 patients after a month of orientation???? That would be a nice break for me considering I typically have had 6 pts and I'm only a student. Seriously, this could turn into a bad ...
  20. passed the nclex beast!

    sorry for this late reply the sentiment is just as sincere, :balloons: congratulations rn!! :balloons:
  21. When do you graduate?

    Let's here from the distance ed students where ever you are attending, when you are scheduled to graduate? Opalm December 2005
  22. Bus Disaster

    There were hundreds of ambulances being moved to higher ground (shown on all the news channels)it would have taken a phone call to come by the nursing home first. Moving elderly people with O2 in a bus? Now that was just plain not using ones head. ...
  23. Well that is strange. I actually read your post under the thread I mentioned and I checked it is still there. Like you said, maybe a glitch. Opal
  24. It was under the thread, "A word from the Gulf".
  25. Good question, I just finished viewing and sent you a pm and it's gone. Opal