

Telemetry, Hospice

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About melicious09

melicious09 has 2 years experience and specializes in Telemetry, Hospice.

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  1. nursing schools in ohio(dayton area?)

    were you one of the 7?
  2. nursing schools in ohio(dayton area?)

    I attend RETS College in Centerville. I will begin my 3rd term in the ADN program in a couple of weeks. I am pretty satisfied with the ADN program....a little disorganized, but the LPN program was pretty well organized. VERY expensive though.
  3. Rets!

    I have been attending RETS since Aug 07. I will graduate in Nov 09 from ADN. Yes there have been a few snags now and then, but all in all I have had a good experience. It seems from what I hear there are problems at all schools. Most of the peopl...
  4. Sinclair's LPN to RN

    I am also a student a RETS, just graduated in July and am currently ADN 1st term. I spoke with an admissions rep from Sinclair while a PN student and asked about the bridge program for LPN to RN. Unfortunately, Sinclair will take NO credits from RE...
  5. Rets Tech Entrance Exam for LPN to RN

    The current score is 850 you are correct! I begin the ADN program on Aug 4. Just graduated Friday from RETS PN program. Hope this helps. Missy:nurse:
  6. rets tech

    I love Dr. Misner!!! He is the best. Just listen to him and you will do great in his class. Also, even if you are not required to attend tutoring for his class, attend anyway. I am a PN2 student and plan on starting RN program as soon as I gradua...
  7. rets tech

    congratulations!!! i am happy for both you and your friend! missyb
  8. rets tech

    Congratulations on graduating. Good luck on your boards. Keep us posted!!
  9. rets tech

    Well, I just finished my 1st term and we had 30 people fail A&P so they cannot go on to 2nd term. There was no sliding by in that class I will tell you. One student failed by 0.8 points. We started with like 75 people and by the time the term ...
  10. I am attending RETS in Centerville. The person who is running the program at Bohecker was at RETS for a while. I actually have a friend who may begin teaching at Bohecker.
  11. I am also in SW Ohio. I am in my first term, will graduate PN program in July 08. Hopefully going straight on to the ADN program. Nurseontheway, what school are you attending?
  12. rets tech

    I am about to finish my 2nd week. I love it:) I know that it is going to get much more difficult, but the instructors are great. They have made lots of changes from what I hear and read on here from past students. Good luck in whichever you choose...
  13. rets tech

    Melspt....Thank you. Their tuition is quite pricey, but now that I am 35 time is of the essence. $17000+ for year one and $23000+ for year two....Also, they just had their curriculum evaluated at the Sylvia Rayfield Faculty Workshop, and RETS tests...
  14. rets tech

    I am beginning RETS in Centerville on Aug 13. The Centerville location has accreditation NLN. See the following link: