
tattooednursie LVN

Mostly LTC, some acute and some ER,

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All Content by tattooednursie

  1. Transferring Devices !

    I've had an old chain hoyer tip over on me once with the patient in it. It was caught under the bed frame. I pulled really hard thinking it would not come out so easy, but it came right out. Fortunately I got the lift upright before it went all the w...
  2. Looking for a list of NCLEX testing sites.

    I am really hoping that there are more that one tests sites in California. I REALLY don't want to go all the way down to Sacramento . . . .I am hoping that there is some where closer. Could anyone tell me if there is a site in Redding, or tell me wh...
  3. Looking for a list of NCLEX testing sites.

    That worked!!! Thanks. I was doing before. Thanks for the help. I found out what I needed to know
  4. Looking for a list of NCLEX testing sites.

    I went there and everything I clicked on went to other links. I have tried so many different sites and search engines and found nothing. I'm starting to get very frustrated . . . . I need to know if there is one closer. You'd think it would be easie...
  5. How many in your class Started/Finished

    We started with 19 . . . now there is 7 graduating tonight.
  6. Well . . . I have one day of school left . . . and graduation is Saturday. We finally began to really plan it this week. Our rehearsal is tomorrow . . . so everything that needs to be turned in as far as entries for who is going to speak from the cla...
  7. I'm having the graduation jitters of all things . . . I'm speaking . . .

    hmmmmmmm. . . . I guess I'll try the off topic area . . .
  8. Thanks, I thought no one was going to reply to this one.
  9. Briefly mentioned to me in class our last lecture was LVN intern license . . . At first I wasn't interested in paying the $250.00 so all the information given to me went in one ear and out the other. I thought I would be okay with working as an aide...
  10. Sitters, give 'em a break!

    I've been a sitter before a time or two. . . No one offered to give me a break . . . until like . . . 5 hours and 25 minutes later . . . Let me tell you . . .. screw the bathroom break, thats a long time without a cigarette for a smoker!!!!!
  11. Do you envy 1:1 sitters?

    I don't envy them at all. I'd rather be up and moving.
  12. Calling yourself a "nurse"

    It never really bothered me until I myself was in my second semester of LVN school. I don't even call myself a nurse yet even though I am days away from graduating. I want to wait for that moment, when everything is official to step back and say . . ...
  13. morning sickness/nursing

    Well . . . I have never been pregnant, but I can sympathize. I have a peptic ulcer. I feel like yuck a lot, and I have thrown up at work many times. I hate that! When I do it really does take a lot out of me. I hope things get better for you.
  14. Young Nurses

    Ugh. I'm 22 and a month and a half from graduating the LVN program. I am a little nervous because alot of the people I'll be working with . . . trained me when I was 16 as I came to work as an aide. I don't know how its going to go over . . . really...
  15. I passed the nclex-pn

    :balloons: Congratulations!!! I can't wait till I'll be posting that I passed my NCLEX. I am very happy for you. Keep up the good work!
  16. Things you wish you could say to your co-workers...

    That was an issue I got all bent out of shape about. I almost called the aide that had them the previous day (when the pt went) and had her come in and clean the pt up!!!!!! I didn't . . . but the next time I saw her I told her I would!!!!!
  17. Things you wish you could say to your co-workers...

    LOL . . . I do feel ya. I knew I needed a vacation becasue I was speaking my mind . . . and quite bluntly at that. I'm glad I got this time off, otherwise I'd probably be looking for another job . . . I was telling everyone what I thought of them!!!!...
  18. Tattoos

    I have two tattoos myself, getting a third one this summer, and I'm not stopping there . . . For as long as I have remembered I have had a goal of having 10 tattoo's (none on my arms or neck though). I don't think that there is anything unprofessiona...
  19. Any patients you couldn't stand et how did you deal?

    I totally agree with you NewEastCoastRN!!!! Why do HC providers have to take so much abuse. We have to sit there and take it when they are calling ups names, trying to hit us and spit at us. In the general public people get arrested for that crap! Wh...
  20. Any patients you couldn't stand et how did you deal?

    If they get nasty with me I just say, "Apparently you don't want my help. Ring your bel when you decide that you are going to be a little more decent toward me. I've had to swap patients too just because I have been at the breaking point where I knew...
  21. I have a habit of diagniosng myself . . . . even though thats not in a nurses duties to create a medical diagnosis. . . i do it anyway (to myself) I tell everyone else to see a doctor.
  22. Please Need Prayers For My Nclex-rn Exam This June 14.... Thanx

    My thoughts and prayers are with you. Best of luck!!! I'll be psoting something like this in August or september when its my turn LOL
  23. Does anyone really enjoy LTC?

    :chair: :sofahider Rant away. We all need to do that from time to time. I see what you are saying. I am severaly burned out as working as an aide in LTC . . . .so I found the old people taking over the world . . . kinda funny!!!! LOL
  24. Does anyone really enjoy LTC?

    At one time . . . I did enjoy it. I'm not going to lie and say I still do, because i don't LOL . . .but it does have its moments where you must say, "This is what it's all about." Whether its just the occasionally funny shenanigains, or a resident le...
  25. Gonna finally get smoking regulations in our LTC!!

    Let's see based on what I have dealt with. . . When I am a LTC resident . . . . *evil grin* I will learn my nurses name, and my CNA's name, and I will yell for them personally when I want a ciggarette . . . So what if I just came back in. I like the...