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About BwayDani

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  1. Does anyone know of any websites that offer free CEU credits/contact hrs? I found, but not sure if NJ will accept the credits. Thanks for the
  2. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN

    I graduated last December actually. Woo Hoo! :) The schedule was always different each semester, but it was usually one day of clinical, 3 days of classroom. Clinical days were 8am-3pm. One...
  3. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN

    I did choose a regular 2 yr program. I still felt the pace was fast, but I liked having a more spaced out schedule so I had plenty of time to study and do papers, etc... I knew myself and the pace I...
  4. Stony Brook Accelerated BSN

    I got the schedule about 2 weeks after being accepted into the program. I think it was sometime in mid-June. It was pretty much classroom all day everyday until 4pm. it was a while ago so that's...
  5. Anyone know where I can get soft scrubs?

    Uniform Advantage has the largest selection, cheap prices and super soft scrubs! They fit right and feel better than anything I bought in the store.
  6. CHASE bank has a great student loan- up to 20,000 per year for any type of expenses, not just tuition. I took out two of them during my course of
  7. Anyone know where I can get soft scrubs?

    Yes, the Grey's Anatomy are ready right out of the dryer. they are so soft, they barely wrinkle! Just don't do what I did and leave your notepad in your pocket when you throw them into the washer!...
  8. Anyone know where I can get soft scrubs?

    "Grey's Anatomy" Brand! By far the softest I've ever worn! Worth the extra bucks. I feel like I'm in my
  9. Found my calling!!!

    You are my inspiration! I am a new nurse, excited but scared to start my 1st job, afraid that it won't be my "niche". You have just given me hope! Thanks for getting me all teary-eyed and hopeful!...
  10. HELP-New Grad to Tele- Day or Night?

    Thank you guys SO much! After much consideration, I've decided on days. This is what the nurse manager recommended as well. Also, sleep is PRECIOUS to my health and happiness! I am not a night owl...
  11. HELP-New Grad to Tele- Day or Night?

    hi guys, i'm a new grad and i just got hired on a tele floor. (yey!) i have my choice of day or night shift (12hrs). any thoughts? i'd really appreciate it. i need to decide by 5/27/08....
  12. No union at this hospital. They told me in the interview that this is a good it really good not to have a
  13. Would You Take Your 1st Rn Job In A Dr Office?

    Thanks everyone! Your advice really helped. I'm back to applying to hospitals. I want to be the best nurse I can be! Interview today in my specialty- wish me
  14. I am a new grad, wondering if anyone else has signed a 2 year contract. I understand they invest money and time in you and do not want to lose people, but 2 years seems like a long time if you are...
  15. Would you work 5 nights a week?

    Any night nurses out there? I'm interviewing for a hospital today that starts new grads on 8 hr shifts, 5 nights a week. It's the specialty area that I really want, but I was sort of looking...