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All Content by pickledpepperRN

  1. NAI descent: Roll Call

    nativefox: :hrns&wlcm: [color=sienna]to allnurses.com!!
  2. Panel kills Schwarzenegger's health plan

    Panel kills Schwarzenegger's health plan Calling it 'fundamentally flawed,' Senate Health Committee rejects the governor's proposal requiring insurance coverage. January 29, 2008 SACRAMENTO -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's audacious plan to arrange m...
  3. Panel kills Schwarzenegger's health plan

    Ten Lessons for the Candidates from the California Healthcare Fiasco Posted January 29, 2008 Before the leading Democratic candidates come to California for the upcoming super Tuesday primary February 5 and spend a lot of time talking about their hea...
  4. Panel kills Schwarzenegger's health plan

    Right! Why should taxpayers money be used to enrich insurance corporations? United health paid William W McGuire compensation of $124.8 million that people paid for healthcare. Yet these corporations deny care and refuse to sell insurance to those wi...
  5. Pandemic News/Awareness - Thread 3

    I'm going to try to attach information the California School Nurses Association is using to educate parents and teachers. There is a brochure with the same information as the powerpoint but I can't attach all three documents.
  6. There is a long thread about this film: https://allnurses.com/forums/f287/controversial-michael-moore-flick-sicko-will-compare-u-s-health-care-cuba-s-220623.html
  7. NAI descent: Roll Call

    Wish I knew about my family too. My grandmothers biological mother was called "Indian and Spanish" in rural Texas where she grew up. Her father died before she was born. He was listed a "Negro". The first blood relative she ever saw was her son, my...
  8. Mandatory Health insurance? Is it a solution to health care?

    Family Of Nataline Sarkisyan, To Join Other Patients, California Nurses, Working Families, And Healthcare Activists In Testifying Against ABX1 1, USA. …A broad coalition of leading California unions and Sen. Leland Yee yesterday announced their oppos...
  9. To me it is important for my children and family for nurses to work for us all to do better. For safe staffing, the right as well as the responsibility to advocate for the best interests of our patients. The right to choose whether to work overtime. ...
  10. Per my seniority is measured by years of acute care experience as a registered nurse. Because I was an LVN here for several years before earning my RN nurses who were hired after me have more seniority. I was able to move up the clinical ladder to a ...
  11. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. It is good your family is taking time with each other now.
  12. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    Medicare For All H.R. 676: The Conyers Bill Brief Summary of Legislation http://www.healthcare-now.org/printsummarytest.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full text of the bill: http://thomas.loc.gov/...
  13. UCLA New Grad Program

    I've worked registry at UCLA. I think it is a good hospital. But some units provide more complete orientation than others. I would ask about orientation for sure.
  14. Europe healthier than U.S.

    Notice the great effort they go to in this article to downplay the most obvious difference between Europe and the U.S. - our healthcare systems
  15. Mandatory Health insurance? Is it a solution to health care?

    Under HR 676, a family of three making $40,000 per year would spend approximately $1600 per year for health care coverage. It would be a payroll deduction like medicare. Or payable similar to income tax for thosewhose income is from investments. All...
  16. I don't think any presidential candidate has a workable solution. I also think we must have a healthcare system for Americans. We do not have one now.
  17. A heartfelt patient's (and future nurse's?) view on healthcare in the US

    I did two weeks registry staff relief in ICU at a Navr hospital. Although the system was very different I was impressed with the high quality and considerate care. The charge nurse anticipated my questions and explained so much to me in a very short ...
  18. Europe healthier than U.S.

    My friend was denied payment for a mammogram because she was under 50. Her mother and aunt had died from breast cancer and her sister a surviver. She paid for hers. Her insurance did pay for the needle biopsy, surgery, and continuing treatment. She ...
  19. Take a deep breath, and read

    Take a deep breath, and read January 2, 2008 I was on my way to the Encino home of a 10-year-old boy named Preston, but I could have gone in any direction for the same kind of story. Ever since I wrote a few years ago about a San Gabriel Valley woman...
  20. Take a deep breath, and read

    Rally against medical insurers cites Frankfort man's plight January 16, 2008 By William Lee, Staff writer Using the Rev. Martin Luther King's fight for equality as a jumping-off point on what would've been his 79th birthday, members of a nurses' un...
  21. Health Reform is the Most Important Domestic Policy Issue

    Obama-Clinton health debate ignores real issue Tuesday, January 15, 2008 THE DEBATE BETWEEN Senators Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama on health care probably looks like a small nuance in two proposals that are remarkably similar. But the issue at the...
  22. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    ■ National healthcare expenditures-$2 trillion (2005). Healthcare is 16% of the GDP (2005), expected to rise to 20% by 2015 (Modern Healthcare, Dec. 18, 2006). Healthcare costs doubled from 1993 to 2004, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medi...
  23. Making Room at America's Inn for All God's Children -- Marian Wright Edelman http://www.huffingtonpost.com/marian-wright-edelman/making-room-at-americas-_b_77872.html ..."For Christians, another holy advent season is upon us. People of all faiths ar...
  24. Medicare For All H.R. 676

    If so why not figure out how to do so efficiently? Safe, effective, therapeutic health care for everyone?
  25. Making Room at America's Inn for All God's Children

    A friends father taught high school math on a Southern California reservation (without a casino). She was one of his students and is now a nurse. His humorous remark when the subject of immigration comes up, "If those Indians don't like it here; why ...