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All Content by beautifulb

  1. The White Wall

    I can not believe that he did that. That is just plain right wrong. It was assault and battery let alone unproffesional, extremely unprofessional. Administration needs to do something about that.
  2. Travel vs permanent employment

    Mainly the main benefit that I got as a traveler was the chance to travel. I agree that the money that I made wasn't very much more than the staff nurses. However, some will say that the money that travelers make is a lot more than the staff nurse...
  3. Nursing with a Southern Accent

    Personally, I love the southern accents. I traveled for a little bit down south and then realized that I picked it up when I came back home to Yankee country. It wasn't as pronounced as I am sure that your's is but it was enough for people to ask "...
  4. Favorite, Fun, Weird, and Scandalous Symptoms and Diagnosis...

    All this just reminds me of when I was in nursing school years ago. I found some of my old nsg. notes and the way that I spelled things back then, OH MY, it is a surprise that I passed. I can't think of any in particular but I am sure it will come ...
  5. I didn't get all this education to wipe behinds!

    Whiping behinds is a part of the job. While they are on their side you can assess their sacrum and coccyx. Along with that, you can assess their back which could show rashes that no one has reported before. I find that wiping behinds feels good to ...
  6. Starting as Ortho GN in less than a week...

    I have done ortho for a few years and it is very interesting. Some doctors like things a particular way, i.e. hemovac suction, dsg. changes, and post-op knee surgery regarding the use of a CPM and knee extention (sp?) to name a few. Also, learn hip...
  7. How about a thread for baby names you liked?

    My niece has the most beautiful name ~ Caileen. I have never heard it before and I still haven't heard it, except for her. My other niece due to be born next week (yay!) is going to be named Mea. Mostly I like more traditional names. My DH and I ...
  8. oh my aching legs

    What type of nursing shoes do you wear? There are quite a lot out there and there are quite a few that some of us can't wear. Search the thread for shoes that our fellow allnurses members find that work best for them. Also, support hose will help. ...
  9. What do I need in my pockets?

    In my right hand pocket I carry bandage scissors, tape, pens (red and black), alcohol wipes, and my "brains". In my left hand pocket I carry chap-stix, listerine pocket tabs (?), a prayer card, and just tiny things that I really can't go without (si...
  10. Frustrated with management

    I hear you, definetely. Within the past 12 yrs of nsg. I have had my share of charge. And you are right there really is no incentive to charge especially if you carry a full pt. load yourself. If we do charge we get an extra $1/hr. Yipee! I am ...
  11. Wearing scrubs home??

    Yes!! Me too. I generally will go home wearing the same scrubs that I have worked in and sometimes lounge around in them for a little bit or take them off and throw them in the hamper. I don't have designated hamper bags for my work clothes and I ...
  12. working holidays

    I don't think holidays are ever fair. Also, one needs to consider what is a holiday. Even though President's Day is considered a holiday at a lot of places, I don't think it is a big deal to work it. Who really celebrates President's Day!? Then t...
  13. Confused Student; Please Advise!

    I would say that if you wanted to start out in psych. then do it. Sure, there could be medical issues going on but for the most part if they are that medical then they would first be on a medical floor. I started out in a nsg. home (before they had...
  14. reflective journal/diary writing - help!!!!

    Well for example, the objective is just that ~ what the pt. shows, i.e. BP 200/90. Outcome~BP 160/80, Evaluation~continues to require meds, monitoring, etc. Plan~meds, labs, vs. etc. Basically what your pt presents with, interventions used, respons...
  15. frustration with supply issues

    When it is quiet you might want to check out the supply room and that way get a feel for the different types of supplies. On the bag or box there should be a description of what it is. That way when you have a pt. with a nephrostomy, ng tube, etc. ...
  16. My neighbor is my instructor!

    Well, just think...If she is being this difficult about not wanting you in her clinicals think of how miserable it would be in her clinicals. I can't believe she is a neighbor and is not showing any of that "neighborly love"
  17. So you wanna visit North Carolina .....

    Wilminton!! I was there as a traveler for 8 mos and I miss it. It is such a beautiful place and the people are so nice.
  18. need your advice before I quit nursing?

    Thank you so much nurse wannabe. Very easy to do. When I was reading the tutorial it had me all messed up! (Too bad the thread that I wanted to start isn't applicable now)
  19. travelling nurse

    Travel nursing was one of the best experiences I have had in nursing. You learn so much and meet great people. Good luck and have fun!! (P.S. The Travel Nurse forum has lots of useful topics so search around!)
  20. help... nursing regrets

    Has it been like this in every job you have had? Unfortunately there are people like that but there are also a lot of people that aren't. I have found that nurses/ etc. can be negative, extremely so, and that is contagious. Keep away from those ty...
  21. need your advice before I quit nursing?

    Very sorry everyone. This is off topic. Anybody know how I can start a thread? I would like to ask the question to a moderator but I don't know how! Again, I am really sorry for hijacking this thread. Thank you.
  22. Is age a factor for travel?

    No, age isn't an issue. I have worked with quite a few travel RN's that decided to travel towards the end of their career. No matter what age you are travel nursing is fun! Good luck! There is a lot of great advice about travel nursing under this ...
  23. you have so much going on. i am so sorry that you are going through this, and of all times to happen. your dreams are still there, so don't put them on hold. i agree with the previous poster about talking about it with your instructor. you could ...
  24. Balance??anyone have a problem with it being in school

    i haven't read all the posts (sorry!) but what is the most important to you? what is your school schedule like? is it full time? some ideas might be to lighten your course load so that you can focus only on one course at a time. i know that most e...
  25. Best Brand of Shoes

    As I posted earlier I love Dansko but I was just thinking. I remember years ago I used to buy the Dr. Scholl's clog with the heel strap (the white nurse-looking kind) and they were quite comfortable. Nice and cushy. I bought them at Walmart or Kma...