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About Rudegal2020


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  1. Nursing in the middle east

    I just saw an ad today in the jobs section on for this agency Avant Healthcare Professionals( ) who is currently looking for nurses to...
  2. Watch your meds CLOSELY! (long)

    Sooo sad but it happens all the time. 20/20 had a big story about that sometime last month about walgreens and a another pharmacy med errors. One mother picked what she believed was dilatin but was...
  3. Rounding Nurse Position?

    Thank you Tazzi and critterlover for your inputs
  4. Rounding Nurse Position?

    Hello everyone. Help. I have a few questions. I have an interview this week with a internal medicine doctor who is in need of a rounding nurse. What exactly do they do??? I currently work in...
  5. Why are Newbies Such Whiners?

    You know what Ruby Vee with the scenario you described with that new nurse wanting to give you bp meds when BP was 82/50, and HCTZ when u were dehydrated from vomiting, NPO, and my IV rate was only...
  6. Help re Jehovah's Witness and death is the official website for more
  7. Ever do a flu shot clinic?

    Maxim healthcare services ( agency also hiring nurses for flu shots
  8. Ever do a flu shot clinic?

    On craigslist, I found an ad for flu shot nurses needed last week. I clicked on the link and sent the recruiter an email with my resume attached. The company is called testmed (
  9. NCLEX SUCCESS: 5th time made the difference

    Congrats JoeB, Welcome to the RN club! I'm glad u didnt give up. I know you well be a wonderful
  10. What you can do if you fail in Nursing school?

    I have a friend who was in a similar position. She didnt let it get her down. She challenged the LPN boards got her license and worked as a LPN until she was able to get back into a RN program. Keep...
  11. Anyone attending Keiser College?

    I saw the keiser ad on tv for their new nursing program and deceided to call to get more info for a friend that wanted to leave FL. hosp nursing school. I asked all the usual questions:cost, # of...
  12. Croc shoes Worth it? Or forget it??

    All dillards have crocs and Journeys in the mall. You can also buy them on ebay like me. I won the bid for aspens(no holes) brand new for 19.99. They tend to run small in my experience depending on...
  13. I just got a positon in med-surg in January and I just completed orientation. I love, love, love the people that I work with. The nurses are very nice, helpful, the techs are awesome and for the most...
  14. >>Registered Nurse or Dental Hygienist?<<

    At first, I too was on the fence on whether I wanted to be a RN or a RDH. I choose nursing even though I love dentistry because I realized that I would be pretty limited as a dental hygienist. Then as...
  15. Nursing T-shirts!!

    I loved our nursing t-shirts. On the front it said student nurse. On the back it said " Not tonight, I have clinicals in the morning." Then there was another one that said "are you man enough to be a...