

ER/ICU/PACU/ Nurse Anesthetist

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All Content by FloridaCCRN

  1. Minority SRNA/CRNA's

    I would call her out on it. Document what is happening and go over her head if you have to.
  2. Minority SRNA/CRNA's

    I know what you mean, I live in the south too, and there is only one hispanic CRNA where I work. More diversity is needed.
  3. Minority SRNA/CRNA's

    I hope you get in somewhere soon. What schools have you applied to?
  4. No Relief, Embarrasing Moment

    ((((Hugs)))) I am soo sorry that happened to you. I certainly hope your manager will take action:angryfire
  5. No Relief, Embarrasing Moment

    :imbar Now THAT is embarassing.
  6. I need shoes recommendation...NO CLOGS ALLOWED

    Check out this site: http://www.dansko.com/Home.aspx They have different styles, mine are closed in (heels and toes) so they should be allowed.:)
  7. I need shoes recommendation...NO CLOGS ALLOWED

    Yes! I love dansko's, plus they give me an extra inch or two of height :chuckle
  8. Myers-Briggs Personality Type & CRNA's

    ISFJ hoping to be CRNA someday
  9. "Pressors and Vasoactives" has been updated at www.icufaqs.org

    Thank you! your faqs have been a great resource:kiss
  10. Nervous about starting new position...

    Hi everyone! I am starting in SICU/MICU (I work at a 400 bed community hospital with a level II trauma center) in about 3 weeks and am both excited and nervous about it- more nervous though:) I am not a new grad (although I still feel that way somti...
  11. Nervous about starting new position...

    How do you go about organizing your day (or night)? I'll be working night shift. Since I have no floor experience I'm wondering if my organization skills will be up to par.
  12. Nervous about starting new position...

    Thanks for responding. I'm looking forward to starting in ICU :)
  13. What Love's Got To Do With It

    :rotfl: :rotfl: That was hilarious! Better go get my shot:uhoh21:
  14. Mayo Clinic Interview

    I believe the poster was referring to an interview for a spot in the CRNA program at Mayo.:chuckle
  15. What do CRNA admission committees look for?

    Read the "sticky" at the top of this page it probably has answered all your questions. Hope this helps.:)
  16. Pensacola nursing schools good?

    I graduated from PJC also. I agree with the above post. Just get in, keep your mouth closed, study hard, graduate, then get your BSN from an NLN accredited university.
  17. Drexel Interview!

    I'm sure that they are use to seeing nervous applicants and that they overlook it. Relax, I'm sure you did great.
  18. What to wear (for women)?

    I'm sure you did much better than you think-I'll keep my fingers crossed:)
  19. thinking about CRNA

    Follow this link https://allnurses.com/forums/f227/read-first-how-become-crna-faq-123275.html It will probably answer your questions:)
  20. What to wear (for women)?

    Sounds like a nice suit! the pin is a great idea. I'm sure you will do fine in the interview, but I will wish you luck anyway.:)
  21. young children and CRNA school

    I am not a CRNA- or even a SRNA for that matter, but my advice would be to wait until you are completely finished with school before having children. Just from reading posts here I can tell you that CRNA school will be one of the most difficult and t...
  22. How do I know CRNA is for me? (INTP/INTJ)

    Try shadowing a CRNA for a few days to see if you think you may like it. Here is a link to a thread about personality type/CRNA's: https://allnurses.com/forums/f16/myers-briggs-personality-type-and-crnas-52803.html Hope this helps:wink2:
  23. I'm in!!! Thank you

    congratulations! :balloons:
  24. This is a test.

    I agree with this point of view. I would also say that I am preparing to take the exam, not that I took it and failed. A lot of people would be understanding, but then others wouldn't hear past the part "I failed" but was very close. Just my 2 cents.
  25. Check out this site!

    http://www.srnas.com enjoy:wink2: