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All Content by Susan9608

  1. New nursing student and AIDS patient

    There's no micro pre-req at your school? That's bizarre ... almost every program I've never heard of requires micro to some degree ... seems almost unbelievable that you've had NO micro. And as for precautions, I can't believe that any school in thi...
  2. New nursing student and AIDS patient

    multiple post, accidentally
  3. New nursing student and AIDS patient

    multiple post, accidentally
  4. Which nursing skills do you dread?

    Thank you. And thank you. :)
  5. Which nursing skills do you dread?

    I hate trying to explain to a 4 year old what "dead" means and why his little brother will never come home again. I hate looking a parent in the eyes and saying, "Yes, your baby is brain dead. No, there is *no* chance that we are mistaken. Would yo...
  6. Fearing I'd accidentally hurt or kill someone?

    I can't speak for anyone else, but I pretty much have those fears every day that I'm at work. I think it's good, because that fear makes you careful and makes you remember all your safety checks. When you get complacent, that's when mistakes happen...
  7. Patients on Medicaid

    Some people do use private insurance to pay for nursing homes. I believe some people begin planning for their old age while they are young, so that a decision doesn't have to be made at a crucial point and to avoid just those kinds of heart-rending ...
  8. ICU: Nurses Wash Patients + Make Beds?

    We do this in my ICU as well. And the nurses are responsible for counting the equipment in the emergency carts (airway cart, procedure cart, neuro cart, crash cart, heart cart, etc.) Now some things in the carts, like the instruments (in the proced...
  9. Have I displayed drug seeking behavior??

    I think woody meant that no insurance company can limit the amount of medication you receive, per your doctor's prescription, but they can limit how many they will pay for. If your doctor writes for 30 pills, but insurance will only pay for 15, then...
  10. Rich nurses?

    Thanks, woody. I haven't heard of any nurses going on strike here in TX - maybe it's kept off the news? I'm not sure. We are not unionized here, so I guess there could be striking; I just don't hear about it, so I wouldn't even know where to get str...
  11. help, i didn't know i did something wrong

    Did the hospitals pay you for the education time or did they actually pay for the class? In my opinion, which you can take or dismiss, both hospitals paying you for education time is one thing (since most hospitals have policies and such about what q...
  12. Rich nurses?

    I haven't found Texas to be heaven for nurses .... not at all. I only work the occasional overtime, but my salary isn't even $50,000 a year. What is strike busting pay?
  13. help, i didn't know i did something wrong

    I don't understand .... You got re-certified in ACLS and billed both hospitals for the course? Is that right? If that's so, then yeah, I think that's a little unfair. After all, you only paid for the course once, right? But were being reimbursed by...
  14. Patients on Medicaid

    Some people come to the ER for things like colds because they can't get care anywhere else. Clinics and doctor's offices and such have the option of accepting Medicaid patients; the ER does not. So where are you going to go? The place where you might...
  15. Need advice urgently on pt safety!

    If you've appealed to your manager, with no response, and your manager's manager, with no response, then your hospital should have a risk management specialist ... go to that individual. Then go to your hospital's legal counsel and make them aware o...
  16. Patients on Medicaid

    :) I kinda thought so too.
  17. Banner Hospitals to go to Uniforms

    Most of the magnet hospitals around here require the nurses to wear royal blue scrubs. Some hospitals let them wear royal blue and white, some have a print that matches that the nurses can wear, and others stick to just royal blue. My hospital is j...
  18. Patients on Medicaid

    Wow. I certainly hope that if tragedy ever struck you and/or your family, causing you all to need the benefits of welfare and Medicaid, that you will be as gracious as you expect everyone else to be. I found your whole post to be extremely snotty a...
  19. Patients on Medicaid

    I think that more people get government assistance then they are aware of .... or perhaps they think it doesn't count as "assistance." For instance, when you own your own home, you get to deduct the interest on your mortgage off your income tax. In ...
  20. My hospital is not truly a "teaching hospital" in that we're not associated with a medical school and we don't have any residents or interns. Occasionally an individual doctor decides to take on a fellow in his/her practice, but that is not the norm...
  21. Patients on Medicaid

    Generally, when women feel like they have a meaningful role in society (beyond that of just a breeding machine) they find ways of controlling their own fertility, either through birth control or abstinence. Perhaps these women continue to have child...
  22. Nurses not following doctors orders

    I'm sorry! I read your answer as sarcasm ... my fault. It's hard to interpret tone over the internet. :) It's been a long time since I worked on the floor and not in the ICU, so perhaps it's all a matter of the area in which you work. It's also b...
  23. Nurses not following doctors orders

    I'm not sure how to clarify because I'm not sure where the misinterpretation is coming from. Here is what I said concerning vital signs, daily weights, and I/Os: I first explained that I don't think it's a good idea to ignore an order for vital sig...
  24. LPNs glorified Techs?

    I think that whether or not a hospital treats LVN/LPN nurses as "glorified techs" has to do with the individual facility. At my first place of employ, a new program was piloted which severely limited the role of the LVN. LVNs were no longer allowed ...
  25. Being "written up"

    also for making inappropriate comments. (I was written up for telling a doctor he could "kiss my ass.") :)