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All Content by Vsummer1

  1. Circumcision Debate

    I agree. It is a cultural thing and both my boys had it done. Thier father had it done. In fact, I haven't met a penis yet that wasn't though I expect to soon in clinicals In my previous posts, I was merely presenting the facts of it, since the...
  2. Circumcision Debate

    In response to your points, 1 & 2, I will say it once again, note that there IS scientific evidence of potential medicial benefits but not sufficient to recommend routine circumcision. I have provided my references on this, not opinion. "The Ame...
  3. Circumcision Debate

    This thread started in 2001 with the following post by: steve brock Guest Registered: Feb 2001 Location: sausalito, ca, us Posts: 6 07-18-2001 05:54 PM "Circumcision Debate Post #1 Hi all. Our HealthGate topic of the week is a debate about circumci...
  4. the 4 P's of effective labor

    I am currently in this rotation in school, and this is what our textbook (a new, 2003 version) vs. class notes say on the "powers": Maternity Nursing, Lowdermilk & Perry, 6th Edition (copyright 2003) Page 257 The five P's: Passenger (fetus and p...
  5. Officials: Smallpox Vaccine Didn't Kill Nurse

    Russia was working on smallpox, and it is believed that Iraq may have it as well. Since (in past years) defecting scientists say it is so, are you seriously suggesting we "wait" until the first case hits? The ONLY reason this is coming up is it is ...
  6. Need some insight.

    In order to even be eligible to apply to the program I am in, you must have many classes already done. While you are doing these pre-reqs, get as many other classes done that you possibly can. I got all of my degree requirements out of the way so t...
  7. Need some insight.

    First of all, good luck to you! And, before the bad news, remember that many, many people have gone to school and are now RN's. Now the bad news. Our first week we had about 15 chapters to read... literally hundreds of pages. Plus lab time, clini...
  8. Survivors' guilt -- losing classmates

    Since I transferred in, and this is only 2nd semester, I really didn't "know" those that failed last semester that well. Of the two that I spoke with that failed 1st semester, I have seen both of them. They are happy for me, and they are trying aga...
  9. C-sections for premies

    Just a student's understanding of this: If the infant needs to be removed from the intrauterine environment than the c-section would be warranted. You would have to soften up the cervix, then dose with oxytocin to start the birth process. This cou...
  10. miss 2 clinicals & your kicked out!!

    We can miss one also. They do allow you to make up clinical time, but you must arrange with the instructor to do so. If the instructor has a full load of students you cannot make it up... then you fail clinicals. All rotations have a full load, so...
  11. Officials: Smallpox Vaccine Didn't Kill Nurse

    Yes I heard about it. But when I brought it up in class today (as the instructor was talking about smallpox vaccination) it was poo-poo'd. That in itself is one thing, being that there is no evidence of the correlation, but...... Then the instruc...
  12. What is your personal record for babies delivered in a shift?

    I attended 2 births my one day in L & D clinicals last Tuesday. What a lucky break, some students get one the whole rotation I can't wait to see what happens next week!
  13. woooo HOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!

    How wonderful!!! Congrats!
  14. This is a very good forum

    Welcome to the board John! I love your positive attitude. You will do fine going back to school, after all, you got this far didn't you?
  15. pct debate

    No, just a lowly student in an RN program... I don't do anything without an instuctor LOL
  16. pct debate

    Hmm.. recognition for what? I am just a lowly student. I was just merely repeating what my instructor would ask before I so much as attempted to give a common drug, such as ibuprofen, to a patient. Because, quite frankly, I have only been "trained...
  17. pct debate

    Okay, so you know how long the half life is. Can you tell me what systems it involves? Think about your ABC's. What other meds could have an effect on that? The excretion, the metabolism... start with those hints and tell me about pharmacokineti...
  18. pct debate

    that is a great start! and........ think physiology...
  19. pct debate

    I repeat: Do you KNOW the pharmacokinetics of it???
  20. pct debate

    Holy crap! If aspirin had to go through the FDA as meds do now, you wouldn't be serving aspirin to anyone d/t contraindications and side effects. You say Advil as if it was a class of meds or something: think NSAID or specifically, ibuprofen. Do ...
  21. pct debate

    For crying out loud, lets get it straight! BIG difference between "starting an IV" and actually administrating drugs IV. I am sure the IV meds were not calculated nor administered by a PCT, CNA or whatever you want to call yourself in this thread. Y...
  22. How difficult are the nursing courses?

    Our school has a 96% NCLEX pass rate. That said, I have to let you know how bad it is here. We lost 1/4 of our students last semester. Some just didn't have the time, some failed (either in clinical, lab, or lecture) and some decided it wasn't for...
  23. Question

    You can also look into becoming a medical assistant if you just want to work in the doc's office...
  24. Hello to all...

    Just adding my WELCOME! to all the others. :)
  25. I think another reason why you are getting so many replies is that this post has been mislaid. It is in "general nursing discussion" rather than the forum alotted to it for students. Just a thought... Usually SJOE comes in to remind us to post in...