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All Content by Vsummer1

  1. Which is better: Combined a&p or...

    My school didn't OFFER them as anatomy and physiology in two separate classes. You studied the A&P for the heart, right down to the chemistry of the cell firing and then you dissected a heart in the same room, with the same instructor. Each sys...
  2. Attention all clinical instructors, would you do this??

    We have the opposite problem. We are the am'ers who are REQUIRED to come in the night before. Oh helloooo, Sunday evening I have to come to the hospital for my assignment? Whatever for? The clinic is scheduled from 0650 to 0200, and if that isn't...
  3. I understand what you are saying, and I cracked up at your vent too. BUT... here is a situation that happened TODAY. One of my classmates had to come to clinic or she would be dropped. This am, her 3 yo daughter started complaining of pain in her e...
  4. please help a newbie!

    I would reconsider this. If you take your A & P closer to the time you will be taking your nursing classes your chances in nursing will be better with the "fresh" A & P in your head. And don't take two science classes together, as others hav...
  5. People complaining about WAGES!!!!

    I live So Cal at $24,000 per year. I do not go shopping, it is too depressing. I wear comfortable clothes (read, not new) and eat cereal for breakfast and soup for lunch. Dinner I try to include meat in my diet. I drive an 8 year old car that I m...
  6. tell me it is true

    LPN = LVN
  7. Reporting Medication Errors Supports Quality Improvement

    BRAVO!!!! Although I must add that the rooms with outdoor light are nowhere near our med rooms. Day or night, you are still in that little corner hole-in-the-wall they shoved the pyxis (sp) into. And our pharmacy ain't perfect.....
  8. Its really not fair

    It takes so long because you NEED to learn everything they have to teach. Yes, you get a 2 year degree after a MINIMUM of 3 years. It is going to take me 5 years. And yet, I WANT to nurse. Who cares what people think? Who cares what degree? You...
  9. Waiting lists...

    What part of California? There are some schools who don't do it that way, but base it on a first come - first in basis. Surprisingly, I live in So Cal and go to one of the top ranking schools and had only a one semester wait with none of the bogus ...
  10. Which was the hardest pre-req class?

    WHOA now! I was reading all of the posts and thought, gee, how nice it would be to go back to pre-reqs and think, I hate this! TAKE THEM SERIOUSLY and when you get into the nursing classes you will find that all those mean, hard, nasty teachers will...
  11. My teacher humiliated me in front of the class

    I am in my peds rotation so am more than halfway done with school (hallelujah!!!!) We have two clinical groups, the morning group and the afternoon group. The morning group tends to have much more to do -- we have more meds, am care and have to do ...
  12. Care plans- student nursing

    To the best of my knowledge, LPN's do not do care plans, RN's do.
  13. are you a grade conscious conscious student?

    No one, not one person, makes A's at the school I go to. Many of us have come close, but never an A. Some schools just grade harder than others, and the grade scales are different. So be it, if I pass I am happy!
  14. Disappointed in Pinning "Ceremony"

    Maybe you don't realize this, but we the STUDENTS who are being pinned PAY for this little to-do. We start raising money the first semester and continue on until we graduate. Some classes do extremely well at fund raising, and some don't. Some of...
  15. I am not even aware if I show up as a "guest" or not. I think that whenever I come here I am automatically logged in, which is fine with me. It is convenient not having to remember my password and my "handle". There are many times I come here just...
  16. Which class is the most difficult?

    Thank you, I think my instructors would be happy that I got their basic theory down! :chuckle I think they are teaching us to get ready for the real world. We will never be able to do everything we want with a patient, so we have to decide the ...
  17. Family at your graduation??

    This may sound wierd to you all... but since I won't be at my graduation, why would I invite family! Excuse me, but I have been in school for a long time now. The day after finals, me and a few of my other nursing school friends plan on being out ...
  18. A&P Layout

    I guess I got lucky. In my school, the A & P did not happen at two separate times. It was one class. The first half was lecture, the 2nd half lab. In the same room, with the same teacher. And we did it by system, so anatomy of certain syste...
  19. Which class is the most difficult?

    Think of it like this: You take A & P, micro, chem etc. and it is hard. You are learning concepts, with a lot of memorization. You move on to the nursing classes. In the nursing classes, you are expected to KNOW what you learned in the pre-reqs...
  20. I passed 2nd semester!

    They cut the summer classes d/t funding. They were basically courses you could take during the regular term and taken by people who failed in order that they could graduate with their class. The dean fought for us to be able to keep the precepter...
  21. I passed 2nd semester!

    They only offer a preceptership (optional) for summer. You work (no pay) 12 hour days and are paired with a nurse in the hospital and actually work their scheduled shifts and hours. Apparently, we pretty much do everything under the direct nurses s...
  22. I passed 2nd semester!

    Way to go!!! I am right behind you -- 4 more weeks. Do you get to do any preceptership at the hospital this summer?
  23. Group studying

    I too prefer to study on my own BUT it is extremely beneficial to get together in a group before a test. I found that often others in the group would have something to add that I didn't pick up on. Just have guidelines before you meet. For instan...
  24. Starting Salaries For New Grads

    And as someone reminded me earlier, this post is not for RN pay.
  25. Starting Salaries For New Grads

    New Grad pay is $20. after you pass NCLEX $26.50