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All Content by Vsummer1

  1. What does you hospital give you for Thanksgiving ?

    At least the stuffing ain't a cigar... why bring politics into this?
  2. Importance Of Chemistry To Nursing

    I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but if this isn't chemistry what is? :chuckle http://www.nurse-center.com/studentnurse/abgs.html
  3. Pt found dead!!!

    The hospital I go to clinical in does not use posey vests (not sure if illegal or just hospital policy). If you put a patient in physical restraints, you must document every 15 minutes! That basically means a sitter anyway. But, sometimes it really...
  4. What are your post graduation plans?

    First, graduate. Then, a cruise. Get job on my interim permit and study for NCLEX. Pass NCLEX. Get paid more since I am now an RN. Here comes the fun part... save half my pay (since I am so used to living on nothing) and all my vacation time. ...
  5. Do CAP exams really prepare you for the NCLEX?

    I have taken CAP exams, which were fill in the bubble type. I have also taken HESI's, which are on the computer. The questions are similar in these tests, and supposedly like the NCLEX (which I have not taken). HOWEVER, the HESI mimics the exact wa...
  6. About this nursing shortage.....

    No one answered you so I will give it a shot... basically, an aging population. Seasoned nurses are retiring, and the general population is getting older and in need of more care. BUT bear in mind that if you take all the licenses issued in all the...
  7. First Clinical Day

    The way our program and instructors are, you are best served to make mistakes at first. That way, you show "improvement" over the clinical course. Because unless we show improvement, we do not progress! So basically, you are well on your way to b...
  8. NCLEX review guides for nursing students

    Same here, I use the Saunders NCLEX book and the CD. The outline format they use makes reviewing before a test much easier than reading everything I highlighted in the book! Good luck!
  9. Cytotec

    She stated that this was an induction for PIH, the patient had preeclampsia.
  10. How soon will job offers come?

    I guess here they want us "fresh" grads so they can train us straight to CCN/NICU. It is a different world from med-surg, so I guess that is why. NICU and CCN are linked, with the RN's rotated. I have seen peds nurses rotate to CCN on a low census...
  11. How soon will job offers come?

    They are recruiting us in 3rd semester clinicals! I was in NICU and they suggested that once I graduate I apply... but then they need warm bodies I guess since I don't even graduate until after the Spring semester! For all I know, they are asking e...
  12. HELP!!!I need study tips!!!

    Same here. I went to the bookstore, looked at them all and chose the Saunders because it just looked best. Glad to hear it came recommended by someone else though! I might even pick up another brand since mine will be dated by the time I am ready ...
  13. To spend the money or not?

    I didn't go with the digital though I was considering it! What are you using now? Those cheap ones for $15 you can't hear a thing. I bought a DRG, the basic one. I shopped around and finally found it for about $30 and my fellow students like it bet...
  14. HELP!!!I need study tips!!!

    I got one of those NCLEX study books with the CD. I use the CD after I finish my first read of the material. It gives me the rationales for all the questions. It really helps me when the test comes up for two reasons: 1) I have practiced the test ...
  15. Oral Presentation!

    Aren't you so relieved it is OVER! I hated those things too. But, looking back at least I didn't freak out and start crying like I have seen others do... I don't have a problem speaking up in class though, from my chair. Only standing in front o...
  16. Age Old Med-surg Experience Question

    I had my peds eval today. My instructor said basically the same thing as you do. I asked if she thought I might "fit" the peds unit, since I really didn't like Med/surg. She said she thought I would do well there, but I might want to consider goin...
  17. Researching and STUCK!

    Does your library at school have a database you can search? Ours does, but for the life of me I can't remember the exact name right now! You might want to ask your library. EBSCO I think is the name of it... Sorry I can't be of more help...
  18. stethoscope queries

    Great Idea. That is why they made that nice little ignore feature. Thank you for reminding me.
  19. ER Rotation

    Barb, this is POST NO 4 from you that really sounds condescending. You blast out at students on this board stating how wonderful an instructor YOU are and how we should just READ OUR BOOKS, or in the case of the stethoscope thread, you just blasted ...
  20. Who Should NOT do nursing as a Career?

    How about someone who had children removed from their custody due to neglect and outright abuse. They believe that physical punishment, for example beating that causes bruising, is justified. A few years later, here they are in nursing school...??
  21. Are LPNs Second Class Citizens?

    Good question! I think every State may be different on what they allow each to do. The State BON regulates that, so what I may consider to be an RN task may be an LPN/LVN task elsewhere (such as IV push). Here LVN's aren't supposed to do IV, but t...
  22. @#%*!! (long.....sorry)

    DITTO. No way would I have been able to do this without the instructor in the program I attend. I know you are an awesome nurse, but remember, YOU ARE NOT OBLIGATED to USE YOUR LICENCE to let a student do ANYTHING. Hindsight being 20/20, I am sure y...
  23. Help with care plan

    Remember the nursing process: ADPIE. Since assessment is first, I would not be able to write a post and get the answers for my careplans. The assessment is every minute detail including resources of the patient! No one can really help you with this...
  24. Are LPNs Second Class Citizens?

    LPN's are not 2nd class citizens, they are a needed component of a well run unit. BUT they work UNDER the RN's licence. So, whatever an LPN does, the RN is responsible for. So if the RN only has 3, in reality, they have your patients as well. Wha...
  25. RN school

    Many programs offer a "bridge" program where as long as you have the pre-req's and the other classes needed for a degree (philosophy, chem, etc.) you can enter only the last year. Many people I go to school with went part time to get the "well-roun...