

Women's health & post-partum

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About Jamesdotter

Jamesdotter has 38 years experience and specializes in Women's health & post-partum.

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  1. What's the funniest most unusual baby name?

    As a surname it's OK. Then there's the president, Grover Cleveland and the ball player Grover Cleveland Alexander. And the pediatrician who switched "Grover" (his mother's maiden name) from first to...
  2. What's the funniest most unusual baby name?

    One Ima Hogg was the daughter of Texas Governor James Hogg. That name had to be hard to grow up with. I wonder if that's where your patient got the
  3. What's the funniest most unusual baby name?

    Have I mentioned Rubbin? They pronounced it
  4. Retired nurse here. I never worked 12 hours (unless it was overtime). The last couple of years before retirement I would have welcomed 6 hours! 12 hours would have been wonderful when I had small...
  5. Retire vs stay current

    I retired at 65. Then 9/11 happened. I had enough hours and CEs to renew when it came due, so I did, although I never needed to return to work. We weren't sure what was going to happen next and I...
  6. I posted "no" on this topic a while back, but discovered at my recent surgery that it irritated the heck out of me if the staff used euphemisms for body parts and didn't want to discuss my meds. I...
  7. My Colonoscopy

    I was instructed to dissolve an entire container (I've forgotten the size - 238 g maybe?) of polyethylene glycol in a sports drink. I think I also took a couple dulcolax tablets? Time has drawn a...
  8. What does your username mean?

  9. What happened to molar pregnancies before modern medicine?

    Years ago I remember a colleague and I read an article about a (15th or 16th century, I think) woman who had been delivered of a multiple pregnancy of "over 100 infants ". We decided that had to have...
  10. Did you contract anything from a patient?

    In nursing school one of my classmates converted to TB positive. She was treated rather
  11. We had a night nurse who used to use the unit toilet for his morning bm. That was ok, tho a little stinky. What we objected to was that it seemed to take him at least 20 minutes, while others were...
  12. Nursing, Hurricanes, and Floods.

    My experience wasn't a weather emergency, just a badly designed early 20th century county hospital. How does 90 degrees at the nurses' station sound - at midnight? We coped with wet cloths around our...
  13. Med/surg/ortho women's unit (it was a county hospital, in the
  14. So I thought I would ask if you guys can share...

    I moved because of my husband's job to a small town The (less than 100-bed) hospital needed a night nurse in OB. They hired me when I showed up to apply for a job with my 4-month old son in
  15. BORED

    Are you crafty at all? You could knit, crochet,