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All Content by NMAguiar

  1. More Tenet troubles...

    The HMO continues their slide. Besides the Wall Street Journal, the following two newspapers carried stories today: Tenet -- Shares in troubled Tenet Healthcare Corp. continued to tumble Monday, dragging down related stocks amid fears that a general ...
  2. NURSING SCHOOL: Your Biggest Challenge!

    As a man currently in a nursing program, I'm sorry to hear about Kelligirl's problem. I'm even more sorry to say the scenario is typical. Of 9 women in my clinical group, it seems only one has a supportive significant other; three are divorced and t...
  3. Tenet Problems

    I wouldn't stress ... yet ... GambroRN. I'm sorry if we distroyed that "new job thrill" for you too soon. The Wall Street Journal piled on Tenet today also. The lede to the story reads: ____________ Last week, federal agents raided a Tenet hospital ...
  4. Tenet Problems

    Yeah, we've been running every story written in California newspapers about the latest Tenet problems on our website. Hopefully, with less bias than the nursing union's website generally shows. Of high interest is today's (Sunday's) article profili...
  5. missed nurse news on CNN

    The story originated with Reuters news agency on Tuesday -- by Wednesday it seemed the whole world was relaying it. Both the original, and many of the follow-up print and broadcast versions, can be viewed at NursePLUS.com by scrolling down to Tuesda...

    OK, I'll promote the site I'm part of -- but truly feel is the best source of breaking California nursing news: It's updated daily -- sometimes multiple times -- with everything of interest to nurses that is published in Golden State newspapers. Coo...
  7. Speaking native languages at work...

    As is usually the case as the posts on a discussion thread approach three-digits, I fear we've meandered off the original subject. It happens. Just to realign the discusson, we began with an opinion poll in a California hospital inquiring about nurs...
  8. Speaking native languages at work...

    ... and if questioned on your floor by JCAHO, they certainly won't accept an answer in other than English. Case closed.
  9. Speaking native languages at work...

    Hee, hee! :chuckle I originally intended to discuss languages, not regional distortions such as southern drawls or NY-ese. But since you mention it, I'm from the Appalacian area originally. When I first arrived in California I carried that silly dr...
  10. Thanks Rebelwaclause! I really appreciate it ... really!:roll Now, back to your regularly scheduled thread:
  11. It makes sense. It's better to err on the liberal side in censorship. Tks for the response.
  12. This moderator has my appreciation for their efforts. I must point out I filed multiple reports to moderators two-weeks ago when everything ran amuck on this thread. Where were the moderators then? Why did it take so long to respond? No criticism i...
  13. Gov. Gray-out Davis signed a bill today further affecting nurse ratios in the Golden State. The story can be found here and here.
  14. California leads nursing ratios battle...

    Gomer, You crack me up!:roll :roll :roll Yeah, you never knew what wacko idea Brown would come up with, but you always figured it was stimulated by good sh-t! And he was always so relaxed. But then that was also during his Linda Ronstat period -- y...
  15. California leads nursing ratios battle...

    Here's another story about the California bill that was published on Monday in the Los Angeles Times: http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-bills30sep30,0,41361.story?coll=la%2Dheadlines%2Dcalifornia
  16. California leads nursing ratios battle...

    I, for one, have to vote against Gray-out. He's taken the richest state in the union from a multi-million dollar excess to a multi-billion dollar deficit in only one term. How can Simon POSSIBLY do worse. On top of that, stories about special intere...
  17. California leads nursing ratios battle...

    Thanks Konnihall ... the embedded "http" links on these V-bulletin boards are flakey. I wait with baited breath for the designers to develop a patch.
  18. how do we change nurses opinions on male nurses?

    I've always operated under one simple rule: Be professional and damn good. If possible, better than anyone else! Most will respect you and fall in line. The others don't matter.
  19. New grad needs help

    As a current student who is definately considering intensive care upon graduation, I have concerns: --I know I'm smart enough and I'm driven to attend extra conferences and opportunities to gain more knowledge. But is there a greater legal risk for n...
  20. Age Discrimination

    I'll be 42 when I complete the nursing program I'm currently in. And I'm below the average age in my school. The oldest student is 58 years old while the youngest is in her mid-20s. Age discrimination? With this nursing shortage, they're hiring any ...
  21. am i still welcome?

    You are most welcome in our country and the profession. For nursing to be effective, it must be as diverse as the patients are. Since Census 2000 figures found that in many states -- primarily in the West -- people of color are more than 50 percent o...
  22. Guys in Nursing...What's your Input?

    I'm entering my fifth-week of first-semester clinicals. As a male nursing student in his 30s, what drives me crazy is not that the mentally-challenged think I'm gay. It's the opinion: "Aren't you smart enought to be a doctor?" Oh, well. The dull are ...
  23. union nursing

    Without commenting on nurses' worth -- and we all know they deserve more jingle in their pockets -- increased pay certainly affects hospital bottom lines. I just recieved a new report that is being distributed to the media today (Monday) by the unbi...
  24. Hawaii travel positions

    Oh, one more important item if you're planning on travel nursing to the Hawaiian Islands. They have the strictest animal quarantine requirements anywhere. It used to be a dog or cat brought to the islands was locked up for six-months, but I understa...
  25. Hawaii travel positions

    Mahalo, No, as I said, we only intend to "travel" there as travel nurses for a few months to spend quality time with our relatives. The place is too weird to spend too much time -- although I agree with your statement about the economics. I have fo...