b eyes

b eyes

ER, Med-surg, ICU

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All Content by b eyes

  1. New Member

    Welcome to nursing! :welcome: Nursing is fun and rewarding, but can be stressful as well. But what can't, right? Mandatory overtime, at our facility we do. But we also have fun, and we even have fun when we are on the go all the time! Hope you...
  2. update on steppping on senior nurses toes

    Yes, and that is very dangerous. I did not want to turn the alarms off, I wanted to reset them. I did not know that the monitor would run out of memory, and I would lose all my data. I just didn't know that and nobody had told me. But I do know th...
  3. update on steppping on senior nurses toes

    Thank you Garden Dove, i was thinkng along those lines as well.. but yes, everybody else I do understand that it is still MY responsibility to ask and get educated if I don't know. b eyes
  4. update on steppping on senior nurses toes

    I am not blaming others for my mistakes. I was asking if you thought that this could have been a possibility.. I am the first one to take responsibility for what I do and what I don't do. b eyes
  5. update on steppping on senior nurses toes

    the morphine was returned to the pharmacy, and taken out of the pyxis by the other RN, pharmacy is aware of that. And thank you for helping me see things from the other perspective. this other nurse is very difficult to many, and after I made up p...
  6. update on steppping on senior nurses toes

    And suzanne, you are right with assuming that I had a short orientation.. That is why I am always taking classes to learn whatever I can about emergency medicine. I was not very accepted in tehER as most staff have been there quite long 15+ years, ...
  7. update on steppping on senior nurses toes

    I have been floating in the ER for 1 year and recently accepted a full time postion there in November. I have been ACLS, ENPC, CALS, TNCC certified and am comfortable giving diltiazem. If I am uncomfortable giving a med, I look it up, talk to the i...
  8. update on steppping on senior nurses toes

    I swear to the heavens this is all true. and you are right I am scared! b eyes
  9. Vent

    Hi! I just need to vent. Working in a small rural ER. Our hospital has a total of 4 er nurses. they have all been there 15 years or longer. well, in comes me, excited, bubbly, eager to learn, and see as much as I can. Doesn't fly well. I hav...
  10. Help!!

    I am having a problem. Recently I was asked by our DON to make transfer packets and admission packets in the ER to the nurses being pulled there so that things are easier for them. OK I did that. Asked an ER nurse waht she thought of it and she com...
  11. Am I stepping on senior nurses toes?

    I LOVE IT!!! :kiss thank you and I agree. You know for something more serious, such as if I was going to renovate the ER, I could understand asking others opinions, OF COURSE!! However, they are simple packets and am STILL totally floored at her r...
  12. What crazy ER hours do you work?

    I am working 3 am to 3:30 pm. However, we are fazing them out now. Going back to 8 hour shifts. I have three children and was not getting enough sleep. could go to bed after they did, didn't leave much time for sleeping. Beleive it or not I deve...
  13. Am I stepping on senior nurses toes?

    Yes, they are all still there!!:loveya: I did go ahead and make seperate file folders with individual orders and transfers papers in them so that she would be able to pull them seperately seeing as that was her complaint. I haven't been back to w...
  14. Am I stepping on senior nurses toes?

    I thought that an apology for not asking would help also, but it didn't. I am now a big part of the gossip chain for awhile, until the next person does something. I just wonder...What is there to really gossip about!?! They are packets!! I am ver...
  15. Forced Blood Draw? (DUI situation)

    I agree with your questioning. In our ED, The police bring in the driver and sometimes it has taken four to five police officers to hold the patient down to draw blood. It seems like it would not be allowed. however, I asked our neighbor who is a ...
  16. How do you deal with ICU superiority complex?

    I agree that there is going to be attitude werever you go, owever youdon not need to accept it. Do what you know and know what you do. If you have to ask questions, ask them.. You are there to help. Most people who treat you that way, treat ever...