
bluegeegoo2 LPN


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All Content by bluegeegoo2

  1. Should I become an LPN!

    For the record, being a LPN is nothing like being a CNA. Sure, we can do all of the things CNA's do but they're two totally different levels of healthcare. You may want to "interview" LPN's to get a clearer picture of what we do before you decide. T...
  2. Showers in nursing home

    A call to the D.O.N. will get you the info you need. Simply ask what their policy is on showers then proceed to tell him/her what your father is saying. Let them investigate. If he's not getting showers like he's supposed to someone needs to be repri...

    Repeat post.

    I don't know about schools in Louisiana, but all nursing bridge programs that I've looked into require an unencumbered license to be considered for acceptance into the program. You're best bet is to call the schools of interest to see what they're re...
  5. Whats your current pay n it is ltc snf rehab etc

    South-western Indiana.
  6. Gross Things Patients Do

    I have seen some pretty questionable activity by patients, but this one got me. It also got me wondering: What other disgusting things do patients do? I had a patient with a large pannus riddled with open sores that were positive for MRSA. As I'm cle...
  7. Full Code patients in Long term care

    If they are a code, you code no matter what. The only time you don't code is if they have a OOHDNR or the RP is there and says not to. Then you document the RP's statements verbatim.
  8. Awful, Horrible Facility (Rant)

    First of all, congrats on graduating! Keep in mind not all facilities are awful. As with any line of work, you'll find good employers and bad. I just happened to pick a bad one this time. I have worked in good facilities that actually bother to staf...
  9. Awful, Horrible Facility (Rant)

    In my current facility, QMA's work as nurses. They do FBS checks and draw/admin. insulin, take off orders, call/text the MD for orders, do tx's, etc. The only "nurse things" they don't do is asses and chart, only because they don't have access to do ...
  10. Awful, Horrible Facility (Rant)

    Already have. I'm just waiting for my start date.
  11. Unit Manager Role?

    If you don't already have a folder/binder for new orders, create one for the floor nurses to put the copies in for you to follow up to ensure orders were transcribed correctly, faxed to pharmacy, notifications/orders charted, etc. Same with lab track...
  12. Whats your current pay n it is ltc snf rehab etc

    Indiana, $25/hr plus $1.00 nights plus $3.50 weekends. LTC.
  13. Is money everything?

    Speaking for myself, after 10 years in LTC it is absolutely about the money. Why? Because of how LTC is generally set up. Minimum staff, maximum responsibility. When I was a new nurse, I'd show up to work all Pollyanna-like. I was going to save the w...
  14. So long, farewell, adieu

    I feel we work(ed) in the same building. In fact, as I was reading your post, I had to remind myself we live in different states so it couldn't possibly be... Anyway, the best of luck to you and I hope you find freedom, happiness, and fulfillment in...
  15. Gross Things Patients Do

    After reading some of these, I shudder to think what people do when we're NOT looking...
  16. Glutton for Punishment?

    Can I get that on a T-shirt, please?
  17. You've Got To Be Kidding Me

    To quote the great Bob Dylan: "The Times They are A-Changin."
  18. Inconsiderate Co-workers/Shift Change

    I was wondering if any of you have had this problem and what you did to address it: When I come in to work I make it a point to arrive 10-15 min early to count off and get report. For whatever reason, it takes on average 45 min for me to get report a...
  19. I'm actually off today. I just thought I'd come up to see what it's like to take a break.
  20. Urine Strips

    My facility uses them, but no control checks are done. We use them to test for leukocytes and nitrites only. If the sample is positive for either, it is packaged for lab pickup for further testing.
  21. Time Limit/UnderStaffing

    First and foremost, it's a 2 hr window to pass meds: 1 hr before and 1 hr after they are due. Second, what shift do you work? A 0800 med pass is a far cry different than a 2000 med pass. All of the nurses that I work with everyday, including myself ...
  22. I, too, am dealing with very similar feelings/emotions. I'm not a nurse manager, but a staff nurse in LTC. I recently became so stressed out (burned out) that I have made the decision to actively seek employment outside of nursing and here's why: I ...
  23. Looking to re-enter the field via LTC

    I have decided to leave after watching the focus of resident care move way down on the list of priorities in favor of making more money. There is less floor staff, higher acuity, more documentation and more focus on squeezing every last penny out of...
  24. Looking to re-enter the field via LTC

    So am I. I'm in the late planning stages of my exit strategy. Countdown to execution: 2 months. :) That aside, OP, if you can possibly work nights for awhile that could help you brush up on skills and time management in a less hectic environment rega...
  25. Best Nursing School Stethoscope?

    The best stethoscope is the one you can hear out of. (I'm not trying to be funny or snarky, I'm serious.) I currently use (and have for several years) a $4, disposable one that I can hear every little breath and bowel sound with. I personally can't h...