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  1. New grad (bn) looking for position in bc

    All health authorities are hiring new grads so pick the area you would like to live in and apply to that health
  2. nursing student organization fundraising ideas

    We raised a lot of money in 2 ways: 1.We asked musicians- singers, bands etc to volunteer to peform around an outdoor gathering place on campus(the reflecting pool). A lot of students ate lunch there...
  3. Afraid of inserting NGs?

    You will be better able to control your own symptoms over time. A surgeon taught me a great trick for inserting NG's. Along with all the other tips about sitting up, head bent slightly forward, sip...
  4. my POOR feet!

    It might be worth your time to do a search on previous threads re plantar fasciitis. Rather than focussing on shoes as the solution to your problem, it would be wise to look into the cause of the pain...
  5. any UK nurses moved to CANADA

    A previous poster gave you the correct information re contacting the CRNBC. Their website is My understanding is that UK nurses often lack education in psychiatry, and pediatrics or maternity. I have...
  6. uk rn asking about maple ridge...

    If you have no desire to live in a big city why not consider something more in the interior of BC? The lower mainland is actually one big city from Vancouver to Abbotsford. If you don't know the...
  7. 1/2, 2/5, 3/5, 9/10 - please explain

    If you look at the postings for other jobs you will notice that under "work status" some are per diem, some are full-time, while some are as you have quoted. That means that : 1/2 =half time 2/5=.4 of...
  8. Is this really a needlestick injury?

    All needlesticks should be documented and reported. Even if you poke yourself with a sterile needle that has never touched anything, you can be tracking organisms from your skin into the underlying...
  9. Please give any advice

    This is another advantage of a publically funded, not for profit, publically administered health care system. We can just log in to the Pharmacare website and look up our patients medications, dosages...
  10. Keep used needle?

    It is very anxiety provoking to have a needle poke of any sort. I cannot answer your question with a reference but our lab told us it was useless to save the needle as they could not do testing on the...
  11. urgent help-out of scope

    "Out of scope " means that the position is not included in the bargaining unit i.e. not a union position. This is because there are duties associated with the job description for this position that...
  12. Question About RNs Supervising Caregivers

    The information is on the website of the Department of Health for New York State. On the Department website find menu entitled site contents on right find laws and regulations and then click on...
  13. Reconstitution Question

    Yes, it does matter what diluent and the amount that you add. Some medications require specific diluents. Also, if you add 10 mls of diluent to the powder in a vial you do not end up with 10 mls as...
  14. anyone here NOT have back problems?

    I worked over 20 years in acute care and never once injured my back. How? I went back to school as a mature student so I had a heightened awareness(as you seem to) of the inherent dangers. Although...
  15. Old photo of nurse on rooftop???

    If you ever need any kind of image, go to click on images enter what you are looking for e.g. nurse on rooftop. As my grandaughter would say Ta