

acute rehab, psych, home health, agencey

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All Content by ponytailman

  1. ~Likes & Dislikes~

    I loved how nursing made me a better person through personal growth and development in my constant struggles to provide safe, competent and compassionate care. I despise the slow and insidious effect that corporate America pursuit of mamaximum profit...
  2. Lacking Skills After a Year

    For me the best way to obtain floor nursing skills was to work the floor and ask as many questions as u can. Staff development, videos and p n p r helpful, but nothing teaches organization, critical thinking and prioritizing then floor work consisten...
  3. Sleeping with HMEs (Trach noses) safe?

    If patient a straight trach, no ventilator, the hme is generally used during wake periods as the replacement for a moist, humidification system. Remember no two patients r the same, thus what may work for one might not for another. Also, in homecare ...
  4. IM injection

    merlee is correct- to give the proper dosage under the MD orders requires 2 separate im shots. Also if the total volume to be injected is 4mls, then u can give 2 two mls im shots.
  5. I did a stupid, stupid thing...Need Advise!!

    dont take this wrong but u r worried about a bad decision about smoking an illegal substance. shouldnt ur concern be r u ready to take the intense and potential life altering responsibility of people under ur care? We all r not perfect, do not make o...
  6. the question i have is are u able to reasonably provide professionnel,safe and good nursing care in your position. Is your license or patients at risk? the grass isnt always greener when u change,can u change anything there too make it more tolerable...
  7. Night Shift Nursing

    i have worked all three shifts at fulltime status, each have there pros and cons. For me i like the overnites, the trick is adjusting your day schedule to overnite. I believe ur days off should be together, try to exercise even just walking before or...
  8. Is nursing "worth it"? HELP!

    The profession needs more canidates who at least show a geniuine interest in becoming a modern day nurse. As much as i personally have "issues" with a lot of the modern day changes with our job I still want and enjoy being a bedside nurse,for me not...
  9. First that nurse to patient ratio for a snf unit seems a tad bit high and would be an area to address outside of the patient and her behaviors. In relation to the patient besides altering your schedule to attempt to meet her needs which may or may no...
  10. Do men in healthcare suffer from burnout?

    Been in the field almost twenty years, as a male i have watched both sides crash hard and even come close myself several times. I am not sure it is gender specific but more related to as a nurse starts to spiral downward what are the factors. Is it j...
  11. I am doing a paper for school.... please post your opinion

    Most of my biggest dissatisfaction with my field is the invasion of corporate america into every nook. People with minimal or no human skills influencing or dictating almost all aspects of bedside nursing without the knowledge or expertise. Their te...
  12. The field always needs more nurses but allow me to play devils advocate. obviously your family is very important to you, are you prepared to sacrifice quality time with them to pass your nursing program because that will initially be a issue. If you ...
  13. I hate what's happening to nursing...

    As CEO's pursue their job of improving the bottom line it has become quite apparent that to accomplish this goal nursing in general has been the target. When people whose minds have been trained to dehumanize all their lists,charts,graphs,budgets et...
  14. overworked and exhausted

    Do not understand why u think that these issues are your fault, if the job or worklevel requires paperwork to get done after shiftreport then so be it. It appears that by following the accepted norm that your co-workers and you enable management to p...
  15. should I withdraw??

    no one can predict how u will test or move through the rotation thus i would look at what resources can u access to help with your studies. School is brutal when u r trying to work,study and be a mom yet to put it off for fear of failure can cause d...
  16. I notice a trend...

    Difficult to be the new kid on the block. All eyes on you, assessing and gossipping about everything they can about you, are u nice or mean, are you good at your job or bad, are you a threat or a ally. None of this should matter but it does when u ...
  17. What does high acuity mean to *you*?

    I think most of the more seasoned nurses have similar ideas to what "high acuity" on there floor is whether mental,labor or crisis driven. To me often high acuity workload can become dangerous or unsafe because management often is slow to respond if ...
  18. Maybe I'm just old and cynical, but....

    for some of us nursing was an end to a means [KEEPING A ROOF OVER MY HEAD}. Over time the benefits of the field compared to other fields can and are quite unique- pay,shifts,variety of jobs,etc. But i do believe that to do the job that we do we all h...
  19. Rant and steam

    As we all know, to our bean counter bosses who either have 0 background in nursing or too little or too long ago experience, floor or cart nurses bring o reimbursement via medicaire or health insurance plans. Thus we cost money they cant get back, to...
  20. This forum is scaring me!

    The question u need to ask yourself is why do you want to be a nurse? Find that answer and you can determine whether you want to be a nurse or a nine to fiver and gripe or moan or vent about your job to other cubicle sitters.
  21. What info should be "tattooed" on a nurse's brain?

    In a crisis who can u depend on! Never let the patient and or family know that u are unsure, fundamentals become skills with time and no matter what common courtesy n respect with everyone u interact with can go a long way in mitigating your daily s...
  22. D5W with diabetics

    We have a extremely brittle diabetic that the md had a portacath placed so we could bolus d5w into the patient for the frequent and severe hypoglycemic episodes, also on hand for the tpn crisises and or to assist fluid pulloff
  23. D/C central lines in SNFs?

    As a iv certified lpn working a snf or rehab or transitional unit (name of the week)i am allowed to remove all non surgically placed iv lines, this means piccs,midlines and peripherals. At our facility cxr are done for picc insertion only, if the ce...
  24. want to just quit, maybe its not right for me!

    To err is to be human, to be human is the biggest asset floor nurses need, when u stop caring or learning from your interactions u can lose ur ability to advocate for those entrusted to you. Untill the robots take over be of good cheer, nursing is a...
  25. Do nurses support physician assisted suicide?

    IN our field, is there really any difference between a patient who receives a"hospice" death or a doctor who tells the family there is no hope an they should pull the plug or the md who orders a lethal prescription. The decesion is not the nurses bu...