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All Content by mazy

  1. The sounds like a issue with your agency's management team, not nurses. It also sounds like a typical scenario for an agency worker, that if you want to work you have to be available to work, and if they want to plan their patient care, they have to ...
  2. The Mockery of Nursing

    Happy seder to you all; I'll be working through. Passover is my favorite holiday, I'm always bummed to miss it. Oh wow! I just noticed -- got my first silver star. I'm really in it for realz now.
  3. There Are Easy Nursing Jobs......

    My understanding is that the factory union required that a nurse be on site for the benefit of the employees. Which means that the union was advocating for the factory employees. The factory hired the nurse, not the union. I work for a union facility...
  4. The Mockery of Nursing

    Got it. Most is gone. Much like my night with this thread....
  5. The Mockery of Nursing

    Would that be Fabio's bosom?
  6. The Mockery of Nursing

    On hand. Hee hee!
  7. The Mockery of Nursing

    I am trying to find this amazing post by rnbeauty. There is a poster named rnbeauty but the last post was a couple of years ago. Was this a recent thread?
  8. The Mockery of Nursing

    I thought that was the formula if you want to marry a doctor.
  9. The Mockery of Nursing

    Grade school. Still playing doctor with the kids next door.
  10. The Mockery of Nursing

    Look like? AGH my eyes! I just got an incredibly clear visual. And yeah, I was surprised that people were actually taking that seriously, and trying to console the OP about the experience.
  11. Length of Vacation Time for Registered Nurses

    There's no nursing shortage, so you'd be best to focus on getting through school and actually getting a job. Once you get a job, if and when that happens, you will accrue vacation time as you work. To accrue four weeks of vacation time you will have...
  12. The Mockery of Nursing

    You know, it seems like we've had a recent uptick in people coming to this site complaining about not being able to find jobs and is anyone else finding this to be true, because everyone has been telling them that nursing is recession proof. I thoug...
  13. The Mockery of Nursing

    ****snort**** :rotfl:
  14. The Mockery of Nursing

    I'm going to admit that I do this sometimes, even though I know it drives people crazy. It would probably drive me crazy if I wasn't the one doing it. I start out well enough, and then get to the end of the idea and kind of fizzle out..."I'm going to...
  15. Im here to complain. you can too:)

    This is so funny. I was a waitress for many years, while in school, and through my "transitional" life phases. I remember when I got a better job my fellow waitresses and I went out and celebrated, then we stood in a circle in front of the restaurant...
  16. LVN Frustration

    The job market for nurses bottomed out several years ago. I'm sorry that your school told you that there would be a lot of jobs, because it hasn't been true for years. Unfortunately, new nurses, and a lot of experienced nurses -- both LPNs and RNs --...
  17. Im here to complain. you can too:)

    Ugh. Getting up at 5 AM, or earlier, the horrible scrubs, going in and feeling lost and clueless and stupid, then coming home to do piles of homework, then having to get up the next day to either do it again or take four tests. Nursing school, how I ...
  18. The Mockery of Nursing

    I kind of get a kick out of it when people use "defiantly" instead of "definitely." Makes me think of someone pouting with their hands on their hips and saying "I am defiantly going to study for my A&P test tonight." "I defiantly want to work in ...
  19. Need help regarding insulin policy in LTC

    I'm sorry you were put in this situation. From your post I understand that you checked the patients insulin at the proper time, were required to give insulin but didn't have any, and then rechecked when you had insulin on hand and that is when you ga...
  20. The Mockery of Nursing

    I am going to bring this up next time someone posts here about nurses eating their young...In fact, let's all make a pact.
  21. The Mockery of Nursing

    Was that of the crusty old variety?
  22. The Mockery of Nursing

    I looked them up and then had a dream about them. According to my nightmares they have multiple hands, backs, legs, heads, and other unidentifiable appendages.
  23. I've been an LPN for years and I still get nervous, anxious, and scared. I've just learned to hide it better. Believe me, it happens to all of us, no matter how many years in.
  24. The Mockery of Nursing

    Sigh. Amy Winehouse. I haz a sad now.
  25. The Mockery of Nursing

    I'm tempted to follow up on the posters to see if they got/were able to hold onto jobs. But I don't have the energy.