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All Content by mazy

  1. I Love being a Christian Nurse

    I was also hoping to get some insight into the reasons for why the OP loves being a Christian nurse. As a Jewish nurse, I'd be curious to see what we had in common; and maybe find some common ground that transcends specific religious beliefs. For sta...
  2. Agree with others that there are some red flags there. First, the NM is admitting that bullying takes place on the unit; which means that it has reached a level where management is concerned about losing staff, probably because they've had staff leav...
  3. The Mockery of Nursing

    Oh yeah. Sigh. Saw that one too. These things seem to go in ever-shortening cycles. Eventually the site will reach critical mass and crash into a burning pile of nursing notes, scrubs, and flesh.
  4. Job Title Seems Wrong, Need Advice

    I would advise to wait until they get this sorted out before you start worrying about any liability/scope of practice issues. Whatever designation they give you, they will most likely let you know before you start, and let you know your scope as wel...
  5. The Mockery of Nursing

    Sigh. Another nurses eating their young post up on the site.
  6. Stupid things doctors do?!

    Doctor bloopers/nurse bloopers. Probably a better title. I once threw a cup of narcotics in the trash without realizing it, when I was organizing the top of my cart. Had a complete meltdown. And yeah, I've done the empty water cup thing, also, have t...
  7. Reporting medical errors to patient.

    I truly hope that you are not really asking the question that you could cause grave harm to a patient and then not report it. The policy would be for you to report it to your supervisor and then the supervisor would do a follow up investigation and r...
  8. I love my days off

    Thanks for the good thoughts. :redpinkhe I actually love my job, even through the bad times I can't imagine doing anything else. Especially through the bad times. Right now I'm making myself a fantastic home cooked meal -- I actually went grocery sh...
  9. Moral Question

    Yes, this doesn't seem like that big of a deal. I had a lesion on my hand that a dermatologist told me was a herpatic lesion, it threw me into a complete panic. First of all because I had no idea how something like that could have happened and for a ...
  10. The Mockery of Nursing

    I sprained my funny bone yesterday at work. They won't give me workman's comp.
  11. I was yelled at by my nurse yesterday

    Yeah, I did the same thing when I first started working, just asking way too many questions and I think driving people nuts. The charge nurse that I drove the most nuts is now one of my closest friends, many years and many jobs later. And I did come ...
  12. Question for anyone who has sought a job!

    Apply anyway. They'll decide whether they're interested or not. Make sure your resume is strong and you play up any and all relevant experience though.
  13. Do you think I could get kicked out?

    It is not appropriate to bring family members or friends to work or school. It doesn't matter if you work at MacDonald's or a hospital or the Taj Mahal, it is simply not appropriate. There is a concern about patient privacy, but the more important c...
  14. Do you think I could get kicked out?

    All questions of patient confidentiality aside, why on earth would you take your husband with you to clinical prep? I can't even fathom the thought process there.
  15. I love my days off

    Today is my first day off after an exceptionally horrifying week at work. Usually when I get to my day off I'm so excited about not having to work that I can't even sleep at night. I work eves so go to bed really really late, then my eyes pop open a ...
  16. "Sir or Ma'am" when addressing physicians?

    I hate it when people call me ma'am. Makes me feel elderly and dowager-like. But I think that is a woman thing. It's different with men though.
  17. nclex horror

    Since numerous posts have been removed from this thread in the interests keeping the peace, and since this thread has then resumed to the original topic; the "offending" posters have long since moved on; and the additional posts have been supportive ...
  18. LPN vs. RN

    I agree, pneuomthorax often posts interesting questions. The wording was poor.
  19. LPN vs. RN

    I agree that this is a very sad thread, and even sadder given how many threads we have going on this site about how we are all nurses and need to pull together and respect each and every one of us in order to advocate for the profession of nursing as...
  20. The Mockery of Nursing

    Please can you let your son respond to some of those posts? I would be thrilled to see something like that. But of course you would then have to shield him from the blowback -- people freaking out because he's a biter old nurse.
  21. I Need Another Job ASAP!!

    This is an absolutely typical scenario that you will find in any area of nursing. No matter where you go you will be working with these conditions. My suggestion is that you use this opportunity as a way to learn how to deal with these issues now. L...
  22. I Need Another Job ASAP!!

    No matter what you do in life, at some point, something will come along that will challenge everything you know or think about yourself. As a professional you need to come to terms with the fact that you are not always going to be the smartest, and y...
  23. customer service rant

    I don't know about that specific interview, but a lot of times when I see those kind of things, the main point they are trying to make is that if you want good customer service you should not act like a jackwagon. Then they give specific cases where ...
  24. Anyone familiar with Kindred (LTAC)

    I worked at Kindred and agree with Esme. I went in as an experienced nurse and had a horrible time there. I probably would have stuck it out, but what convinced me to leave was that they couldn't keep up their census. So we all often ended up being ...
  25. why we can't give levonex IV ??!!

    What do you know so far about Lovenox?