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All Content by fab4fan

  1. Judgements about big families

    I live in an area with a lot of Amish, too, but what bothers me is the way those kids are used like field hands and put in extremely dangerous situations. We just had yet another child killed in a...
  2. Unreasonable expectations/bandaid care

    It's not going particularly well, that's for
  3. Unreasonable expectations/bandaid care

    A caseload of 13-15 patients sounds like a dream, to me. I have 22 at the
  4. Worried that experienced nurse may know nothing

    Oh, come come, mattsmom...we all know that never happens! It's always the "older nurses" who are to blame for everything! (Thanks, because I was thinking the same thing. Here we go again with another...
  5. Worried that experienced nurse may know nothing

    Not to mention that it would be more appropriate for an RN to orient another
  6. Want to be CHPN....how to start?

    That's how I remember the CRNH exam. And while there were only a few narcotic conversions, you had to know all the equianalgesic doses cold; no charts to help. I studied some, but drew mostly on my...
  7. Verbal abuse by physicians in ICU

    Just a few tricks I have found that knocks bullying physicians off their game: 1. I am normally a soft-spoken person to begin with, but when one of these idiots is yelling, I reply with an even...
  8. **Confused about euthanasia**

    Lethal doses of barbiturates are usually what's prescribed (Seconal is one of the drugs). It is legal in Oregon, and the people there are supportive of it, but Bush is looking to make it
  9. Nurse's nasty attitude in L&D

    There are plenty of sourpuss new nurses, too. Please let us not turn this into yet another rant about "older
  10. GN vs RN

    Deleted by
  11. **Confused about euthanasia**

    What about pain and terminal sx management? Why is this pt. being made to suffer severe pain? That's cruel! What a leap to go from not treating her pain to
  12. Want to be CHPN....how to start?

    That, plus some solid hospice experience. HPNA suggests two years; they used to require it, but now it's just suggested. I plan on taking it; I took it years ago when it was the CRNH exam. It was...
  13. Reasonable (?) caseloads

    Deleted; double
  14. Reasonable (?) caseloads

    I have 22 right now; all except for one in LTC. I hate dealing with LTCs. The staff are so picky, really quick to complain about completely stupid issues. And as you might imagine, most of the pts....
  15. Care plans...what is and isn't necessary

    Does anyone actually read them? They get ridiculous after a while, esp. if you're using
  16. use Xanax prn - should the school know?

    You do not need to disclose that information until you have a drug screen. When you're screened, you're asked if you are taking any medications. At that time, you can tell the nurse/screener what meds...
  17. New Nurse Training New Nurse

    I'm alarmed by posts saying that being oriented by a new nurse is preferable because new nurses are more "lenient" or "forgiving." Uhm, that is really not a great reason, if you ask me. There is a...
  18. license was suspended - documentation errors

    I thought it sounded familiar. I vote for this thread to be
  19. Who wears gloves when starting an IV?

    This site is for nurses to communicate with other nurses. Would a moderator kindly lock this thread? I think the point about wearing gloves has been
  20. What is your biggest nursing pet peeve?

    when someone says "orientate," right away i want to scream. same goes for "preventative," another word that's been adopted, wrongly, into popular vocabulary (it's "preventive"). and anyone who says...
  21. 4 hours between shifts

    I hate the term "act of God," because it makes God out to be the bad guy. An earthquake would be an "act of God." A tsunami would be an "act of God." A colleague going into preterm labor is...
  22. If you're such a friend, why would you post intimate details about her life on a public BB? I vote for this thread to be closed...maybe even deleted, given the personal
  23. Yes...MYOB! (Is this post for real?) There's nothing to report. Just do your job to the best of your
  24. OT, but thank you Marie for your sig. line. I always wondered what the heck Cheap Trick were singing
  25. Entering Hospice

    I wouldn't call hospice nursing a walk in the park; you have to know appropriate sx mgmt for multiple disease processes, not just CA. And there are many skills you need to have, not to mention being...