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All Content by ChristyMNOP

  1. Slow Codes

    Its an actionable offense and could be considered criminally negligent. I do think more people should be made dnrs but we are not the deciders of that.
  2. Did anyone read this article?

    That's a pretty interesting statistic-80% survival instead of 15%. I wonder what condition they go home in though?
  3. Clean vs Sterile Technique

    I'd like some input on this as well-I intern at a facility where I do dressing changes regularly. I wonder if I should be indicating the technique I used when I document it. Usually I say 'd: dressing change ordered/needed due to saturation a: remov...
  4. Smelling Cancer?

    I'm sure its true. I've heard for years that advanced cancer has a smell that is distinct, makes sense that some people with good sniffers would pick it up early.
  5. Shocked at Surgery

    I have only seen 7 surgeries-2 c-sections, one eye surgery, and 4 adenoidectomies. All of the surguries I saw were professional with not too much talking about the patient, etc. However, during a surgery that I had in which I was just under sedatio...
  6. LPN pay

    I'm going to school to get my BSN but I just want to say that I think LPN's are completely underpaid in our area. In the hospital that I intern at, you cannot tell the LPN's from the RN's. They are a very valuable and pretty much equal part of the ...
  7. "It shouldn't be that hard to be a nurse"

    I have heard from here that lots of nursing schools have waiting lists and competitive entrance but I don't think that is true for this region. For my school, it is a very good baccalaureate program (as good as the prestigious universities in the ar...
  8. how hard to get a job??

    Where I am, the major hospitals can take up to 1 month to get back to you just for the first call back. So take heart. Its probably a good idea to take your resume to a service though just in case. They can really jazz it up and make it get attent...
  9. Get Your Bp Down!

    Yikes. I run 110/70 all the time normally, but have to be on calcium channel blockers for a heart problem. Now I'm about 95/65 give or take. However, if I get below 60 I get really sick feeling, and I start crying for no reason. Anyway, I think...
  10. Need some guidance about my future

    I will be graduating soon from a BSN program. I am trying to start thinking about my future NOW. I know that I am capable of going on to further education, and I think this is something I want. I don't want to get out, work a few years, and then g...
  11. Need some guidance about my future

    Thanks for your advice. I see a lot of merit in doing that, but I have some other factors that make a difference too. I get money for school from the government that will run out in a certain amount of time. That's one of the reasons why it makes ...
  12. rules for student nurses

    Rule: Don't let nursing school get to you. Many people, including nurses, instructors and classmates will expect you to give up your life and sacrafice everything to get through it. Its not worth it. Get your degree, be proud of it, but remember ...