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  1. Any other TCC'ers out here?

    I am starting my pre-reqs at SE campus next week. I plan on applying to the spring 2010' program. The reason I am waiting so long is b.c i want to get all of my pre-reqs out of the way. I need to bring up my GPA alot.
  2. Is it too late for me?

    I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you that I am in the excat boat as you. I am 25, married, have a 2 yr old, and work full time. When I was in high school (i lived in florida) I too did dual enrollment. I was soo concerned with being a teenag...
  3. When does everybody start back to school?

    I start on Aug. 18th. I am jumping in full time too. Along with full time work and a hubby and a kid..... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh what the hell am I thinking.? (just kidding) I have this semester Eng. Comp II, intro to psy., beginning algebra, and intro to bi...
  4. Is it at all possible? I think so, but I am so nervous. For the first time ever, I am not worried about where the money will come from, I am not worried about when I have to stop working for school, what I am most worried about is my daughter..... I ...
  5. Roll Call - Introduce Yourselves, Texans!

    I'm Ashley... Texas is where my Heart is. I am living in Oklahoma right now, but my hubby and I plan to move back in a couple of years. I was raised in Lumberton Texas (a few miles outside of Beaumont), and my hubby is from Rosenberg (burb of Houston...
  6. Start TCC prereqs tomorrow!!

    I am starting my prereqs at TCC SE in fall. I am also going for nursing... I am taking bio for majors, comp 2, intro to psy, and begining algebra, so if you wanna get together and study, just let me know... I am super excited, but also super scared c...
  7. Looking into LPN schools in Tulsa

    Hi, My name is Ashley, and I am interested in an LPN program in tulsa. I was wondering what your experiences have been... the only 2 program I know about are Platt and Tulsa Tech. I am currently leaning more towards Tulsa Tech bc of Platt's reputatio...