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All Content by RNfaster

  1. What if the Boston bomber was your pt

    I would treat a prisoner differently than an ordinary patient. I would expect armed guards with the prisoner and also to have the prisoner shackled to the bed. I've worked in a hospital that had a contract with a prison system. We were not allowed ...
  2. MelodyNelson - the no orange makes sense as I see lots of prisoners wearing that... What is rationale for no blue, no chambray blue, no gray, no forest green (maybe because if used in an escape could be used for camouflage?), no white.... Thanks!
  3. I saw an ad for a part-time home health RN with at least a year of experience. Requirements included OASIS, seeing four to six patients per day, assessments, meals, and "light cleaning" with hours from 8a to 5p. I was surprised to see the "light cle...
  4. Without Orders

    Nurses who write orders without speaking to the provider or without basing them on a protocol are technically practicing medicine as I see it. But nurses are doing this to help save lives and to avoid waking up or bother a provider, right? It seems t...
  5. Patient asked me what an IV med was for..i didnt know

    I have come across some medications that I have been uncertain about. I look them up in the computer. I have even (on a busy shift) asked a patient about a med (particularly if it's from home and not available from our pharmacy) and I have said to th...
  6. Prevalence of Christians in the field of nursing

    Seriously?? I think this is a little narrow minded.I have experienced unethical behavior in a Christian-run organization (came from upper ranks)....so I would agree with BCgradnurse... That organization focused on their particular sect of Christiani...
  7. Hospitals... the only place where...

    ...passing gas and burping is considered a good thing...
  8. Bayer Aspirin and Heroin 1898-1910

    Heroin also goes by diamorphine in the U.K. where it is used to alleviate severe pain as well as for addicts.
  9. In general, it's not good to quit without notice. BUT --sometimes it may be the right thing to do. And--nursing may be a small community, but often some will recognize a facility's bad reputation and understand why someone would quit without notice. ...
  10. Nurse with Disdain

    I think there are many areas of nursing that the OP might find better suited to the OP's traits. Additionally, I would expect that the OP would get better at expanding his skills to better handle things that he currently finds difficult. I would expe...
  11. How is flu affecting your hospital?

    How has flu affected your hospital? Article below reports: "...42 states have reported widespread levels of the illness with the hard-hit areas in the East, South and Midwest...The West and Southwest have had very little flu." http://www.usatoday.c...
  12. Agree with MunoRN. Perhaps OP might review statistics class...or take it...
  13. Feline Dissection

    I had no idea about "cat farms". Check these links out: The Lowdown on Dissection | Issues | peta2.com Silver Chips Online : Anatomy and physiology classes dissect furry felines Last Chance for Animals - Dissection I would have thought they would us...
  14. New Grad Needs Resume and Cover Letter Critique

    Good luck. Let us know how it goes. Everyone does have different advice. Considering today's short attention spans, shorter is usually better. But --remember to put in key words that a database query might use. You might call some recruiters and ask...
  15. How to deal with the old/experienced nurses?!

    Wow. Such behavior blows my mind. I don't find your response harsh at all.
  16. How to deal with the old/experienced nurses?!

    To the OP: It's not right that your coworkers ignore your questions or yell at you for not replacing a bag of IV fluid that had three hours left in it (that's plenty of time at shift change --and even if it wasn't, it does not deserve someone fussin...
  17. How to deal with the old/experienced nurses?!

    I have worked in other areas besides healthcare. Healthcare culture is different from other cultures I have worked in. I think that healthcare culture can be negatively impacted by a history of adherence to one-way hierarchical communication, abusive...
  18. How to deal with the old/experienced nurses?!

    I think healthcare institutions often have cultures that can be unwelcoming --and unsafe. I think poor cultures must be changed consciously - by the leadership of healthcare institutions and by the individual workers, as well. Some institutions are p...
  19. But there isn't really a "good chance" that most of us healthcare workers have nares colonized with MRSA. The data does not support it. If one is colonized in the nares - Bactroban ointment would be a great option. Hibiclens for the body...some docto...
  20. Not sure where you are getting that statistic. MRSA infection: Causes - MayoClinic.com "According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, less than 2 percent of the population carries the type of staph bacteria known as MRSA." Statistic...
  21. Nursing Textbooks

    I bought all my nursing school books. I also bought additional texts to supplement (Richard Lehne's pharmacology text is excellent). I used many NCLEX books. My favorite was Comprehensive Review for NCLEX RN by Hogan.
  22. New Grad Needs Resume and Cover Letter Critique

    You might tailor the objective statement according to the position. As a new graduate, it might be best to keep it general (e.g., "New grad seeks entry-level nurse position" rather than "NICU position"). NRSKaren makes a really good point about high...
  23. New Grad Needs Resume and Cover Letter Critique

    I agree with mmgirlsmom suggestion to condense your clinical experience. I'd also cut most details on non-nursing jobs. That will get some "fluff" out. It's not always important to have a lot when you're first starting. Work on the grammar (to remov...
  24. New Grad Needs Resume and Cover Letter Critique

    Work hard on the grammar. Cut fluff and details that are irrelevant to the positions you seek.
  25. Do you cut corners in your daily nursing practice?

    Agreed.... this is what I was responding to: Just felt it important to clarify...those C. Diff spores are quite robust... One other interesting tidbit - some studies have found handwashing preferable to sanitizing in combating norovirus... Hand S...