
nursesearl BSN, RN

Home Care, Urgent Care, ER, Med Surg

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All Content by nursesearl

  1. impaired practice

    I would like to hear from anyone who has worked with an impaired nurse or MD, or if you have been impaired yourself. I am doing a half hour seminar on "impaired practice."
  2. Our agency is closed every weekend and holiday. Our agency covers a large geographic, rural county so on weekends and holidays 2 "on call" nurses cover the patients including daily dressings, IV's and opens. We get double time for working OT so it's ...
  3. late charting in home car

    I'm sorry I didn't explain myself well. What happens is the nurse makes a visit, and just takes notes (not documentation), and then at a later time (sometimes up to a month or more) documents her visit in the chart. I found this very scary when I fir...
  4. nursing shortage and unlicensed personnel

    kate, the idea is not good. You know that. See you at the debate on Wed. Lynn
  5. mandatory overtime

    Hi Patty, I hope you're passionate about this subject! Overtime is bad enough but mandatory ot stinks! See you in class Wed. Lynn