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All Content by *ac*

  1. OK, but I've never heard of being expected to bring a dictionary with you. A drug guide, yes (but really, a mobile app is SO much better), and maybe a skills guide when you start clinicals, but never a dictionary. Of all the useless books I wasted ...
  2. I think I used my dictionary 2 or 3 times during school. There's nothing in there that's no on the internet. I wouldn't buy one at all.
  3. Another nurse got fired because of me.

    I have not read all of the responses here, but want to jump in anyway. At my facility, med errors are definitely treated in a punitive way, despite lip service to the contrary. I have been written up for a med error which caused absolutely no harm to...
  4. Are You Using the Right Mask?

    I do not understand WHY, every time I work, a patient's indicators get CHANGED to contact/droplet. Routine: A pt is admitted from ER during the night with resp distress or fever of unknown origin. During morning rounds, the attending says, hey, mayb...
  5. There won't be any raises this year

    We have cuts: in differentials, by 2%.
  6. Failure to thrive

    There are two take-home messages here. One is that if the baby's not growing, the brain's not developing!!! Second is that most FTT is social. We cannot put the baby's brain at risk while we try to fix this, therefore a trial of tube-feeds is tota...
  7. Question on Pediatric Insulin Administration

    At my hospital, even the chief residents don't have that autonomy; there's no way the nurses will get it. As I said, only the attending endocrinologist makes dosing decisions.
  8. Question on Pediatric Insulin Administration

    Just speaking from my own experience.
  9. CNL program at University of Maryland

    It depends on what you want to do. Do you want to go into an ICU-type setting? You will have more opportunity for clinicals in these settings as a CNL, which could get your foot in the door for hire later. In every specialty, CNL's get the preferre...
  10. Question on Pediatric Insulin Administration

    In almost 2 years of acute care pediatrics, I have never had a "known" stable diabetic peds patient. They've all been newly dx or dka. I'm sure there are such pts, but we have a 30+ bed unit, so they must be pretty rare. In talking with our endo, I w...
  11. insulin pump concern

    I know one person who cuts a hole in the front pocket of her scrub pants, puts the pump in the pocket, then feeds the tubing through the hole. This keeps everything inside her pants.
  12. Question on Pediatric Insulin Administration

    Our patients WAIT. Only the on-call endocrinologist can make the dosing decision. This is because the carb-ratio and correction factor is different for each child and is often adjusted q dose. I really can't imagine standing orders for insulin in p...
  13. Would You Accept Swine Flu Vaccine?

    Here's another problem: We absolutely do NOT have enough private rooms to keep all possible H1N1 patients isolated. We can't even adequately cohort them. So we do so-called spatial isolation, which is a total joke. They usually do not even get pl...
  14. Would You Accept Swine Flu Vaccine?

    We have just been told that pregnant nurses are not to care for anyone who is "rule out H1N1". Also, a month ago, no tests were coming back from the state as positive for H1N1. Now they ALL are. I think my hospital has lost count/stopped reporting...
  15. Most important, commonly used meds in real world?

    good lists I would add ranitidine miralax
  16. I would suggest keeping your foot in that door, for possible hire after graduation.
  17. Does your area have a low patient census?

    We are usually low in the summer, but this summer it's been up and down. Haven't been called off since May, which is unusual for summer. Been called in extra several times.
  18. Intravenous regular insulin

    I have a funny feeling the OP is asking if subq and IV are interchangeable, and of course they are not. If the order says SC, it must be given subcutaneously.
  19. Nurses providing good "service"?

    Sometimes I want to scream at the top of my lungs, There is NOTHING, NOTHING I can do about the food!! And I really, really wish I did not have call dietary every single time I work and suck up in a high pitched voice to convince them to pretty-pleas...
  20. We do peaks for some drugs, not usually vanc.
  21. Yes, I did.
  22. Check the bulletin boards at school for people selling used scrubs. If no luck with that, buy them where ever you want - just get the colors right, that's all that matters. Buy used books, and do not keep them, no matter what your instructors say. T...
  23. UMB Adult Health/Med Surg Tips

    Study from the "clinical companion" to your textbook. And remember, you only have to pass, not get an A. Conrad's m.o. is to initimidate. Just ignore it.
  24. UMB Parking

    All the crimes that I can remember being reported in that area have been against men. The most recent ones that come to mind were a doctor getting mugged and a medical student getting bike-jacked. That area is not school property so it's not patroll...
  25. If a doc enters an order for a med to be given qpm, it "populates" the e-mar at 2200. Recently I had a doctor come by the desk and ask me to give said med at dinner (to avoid nausea), which was at about 1800. How would most people handle the documen...