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All Content by *ac*

  1. C-Diff question

    I'm guessing that the fact that most of us (health care workers) and our families don't get it, is that we have healthy immune systems and aren't taking the big-gun abx that kill off the good flora. So we can be exposed to it and not get sick. Howe...
  2. In need of advice- discrimination???

    I can tell you with 100% certainty that this is unofficially done on my unit.
  3. Central Line Preventative Maintenance?

    I have seen this, too. The patient was not lying down - it was an air embolus. He died right then.
  4. In need of advice- discrimination???

    My coworker's profile is blank, too! I figured it out by reading all her posts.
  5. fallen into the trap

    I think you can test positive three or four days after taking a narc. Not sure if she took it at work or not. My question is, are we supposed to disclose a new prescription? Also, is info disclosed to employee health confidential?
  6. In need of advice- discrimination???

    I would like to add, that although you think your classmates know nothing about this... I was on this site one day, browsing around different topics, and ran accross something that sounded vaguely familiar, VERY vaguely. I went to the poster's profi...
  7. So are the profit-bloated-insurance-industry, hate-spouting, sometimes gun-carrying, disruptive puppets. Thanks God, there are reasonable voices answering their false, inflammatory accusations.
  8. Ok, again another story about being overwhelmed

    My understanding is that it's not pt abandonment if you don't accept the assignment from the beginning.
  9. Mixing Lantus

    Two studies which showed that mixing Lantus with a rapid acting analog did not have a negative effect on the patient: http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/27/11/2739.full http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16647408?dopt=Abstract
  10. ETOH/heroin/cocaine=GOOD times!! :)

    I have not read the whole thread but the first few pages make me really want to jump in. I totally get that this is a disease and we are supposed to rely on our therapeutic communication skills... but when addicts go out of their way to make your day...
  11. http://www.cnn.com/2009/POLITICS/08/17/potter.health.insurance/index.html?iref=24hours
  12. FNP or PNP?

    OMG, this is so confusing. Both arguments are excellent. Every reply convinces me to go the opposite direction.
  13. Don't like kids...ANP best bet?

    Interesting thread. I have the reverse problem. I really want to do peds - have been in acute care peds as an RN for almost 2 years. I am just afraid that the PNP won't be nearly as marketable as the FNP. But.. I'm also afraid I'll hate many aspect...
  14. Shakin' in my boots!!!

    I would add that peds really means you are taking care of the immediate family, too. I'm not talking about waiting on them (which you do end up doing, unfortunately), but being sensitive to their emotional place and honoring that, too. Although kids ...
  15. FNP or PNP?

    Wouldn't my several years of acute care peds experience as an RN be helpful? Oh, I just don't know. If the FNP treats peds as an after-thought, I could end up very unhappy - or it could open my mind to other things. I'm so conflicted. Some of the ...
  16. Nobody answers the floor phones

    Nurses "taking a stand" will have no impact whatsoever. I can't see it happening, either. If we were going to actually take a stand on anything, it wouldn't be to get more unit clerk support, it would be about patient ratios. The phone is on my pri...
  17. FNP or PNP?

    This is kind of how I'm leaning. The thing is that I, like most peds nurses I know, cannot imagine working with adults. Of course, in the future that could change. Also, I'm afraid that Pediatric Nurse Practioner will be too limiting; especially b...
  18. Would You Accept Swine Flu Vaccine?

    If you take care of an undiagnosed case, you can spread it whether you've had the vaccine or not. The problem is that when the case is undiagnosed, you're probably not taking appropriate precautions. It's one of my pet peeves that we don't isolate r...
  19. Question about G-Tubes with Mickey Button

    The OP referred to a young adult. These instructions from the manufacturer say to INJECT medication and flush with water. To me, that means push, which I have done thousands of times without problems. http://www.kchealthcare.com/docs/R8201B%20MIC-...
  20. FNP or PNP?

    So it's 50/50. You've both explained how I feel, which means I still don't know what to do. App is due by Sept 1st - I guess I'll dwell on it a little bit more. Any more input is welcome.
  21. advice appreciated...

    Just a heads-up: doctor's offices hire very few RN's; they mostly use medical assistants. Clinic RN jobs usually require quite a bit of acute-care experience. Good luck on your decision.
  22. Question about G-Tubes with Mickey Button

    I give meds thru g-tubes with continuous feeds all the time. No waiting in between, keep the feed going (just kink it off while pushing the med). The only exception would be if it's a med that's not to be given with food, or if it's specifically su...
  23. RN-FNP. Any help would be appreciated :)

    It probably depends on the school. I am currently applying to an FNP program; the admissions requirements clearly specify a Bachelor's in nursing.
  24. Another nurse got fired because of me.

    People respond to these posts from their own experience. Everyone's experience is different, thus the different viewpoints. It should be valuable to know that different facilities treat incident reports differently - and you can't know how they real...
  25. Will hospitals pay tuition for it's employees?

    My hospital pays up front; you don't have to put the money out at all.