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  1. Is Joint Commission more hindrance than help?

    We are almost going Joint Commission ,pray then it doesnt happen !!!!1
  2. Are 12 hour shifts safe?

    We are the only hospital doing 12 hour shifts in this region.The nurses clearly indicate that they are happy with these shifts for the time off,but they agree that they are bad for quality patient care.Staffing issues also abound and generally they a...
  3. Nursing Uniform Policy

    I would be very happy about scrubs.In our set up scrubs are available only for critical care areas.The rest of us have to do with navy blue trousers and skirts and white tops.We are dying to have scrubs whichever colour,though we wouldnt accept navy ...
  4. The Doctor said WHAT?

    A nurse faced the doctor squarely when he abused her infront of the patient and guess what,she was made to apologize to the doc because she walked away and left him.Nurse managers are particularly not nurse friendly but take sides with the doctors.Th...
  5. things you wish you could tell the doctor

    Iam not your house girl...You order labs,please make sure you get the results and inform me.Do not think i will earn your money for you,you have to work for it. Can you explain to this patient why you want to kill him with the wrong dosage of drugs.T...
  6. Are you allowed to wear Makeup ?

    In kenya where i work we are allowed to wear make up,though there is a policy that regulates this such that nurses do not go overboard.The young stylish nurses are really a sight to be hold and i believe patients benefit from the radiance.
  7. What do you think about people calling you "honey"?

    Haloo everyone.This is quite interesting.In kenya where i was born and brought up,and now am a married woman,it is rare for someone you dont know to call u honey.A few refer to close girlfriends as sweety,but this is also quite odd.I cant remember th...
  8. Have you ever heard of this? UGH!!!!

    i dont work in Obs'gyn,but my colleagues tell me of parents who request for the placenta for some family rite,but i havent heard of anybody eating it.
  9. what do you all think about 12 hour shifts?

    This is very interesting.12 hour shifts were introduced in our hospital 2 years ago.Initially nurses complained that they were not comfortable with them,but all the same the shifts were implemented.The monthly patient satisfaction survey done by our ...
  10. teaching physical assessement

    I did physical examination skills lab sessions with the new RN-BSCN students last semester.Role plays and simulations helped a lot.Students who are not ionvolved in bed side nursing appreciated this and they say it was made it real than the lecture.I...
  11. Nurse Educators, Introduce Yourselves!

    I just joined the forum today and am exhilarated.Am a 36 year old nurse educator in aprivate hospital in Kenya.I am an RN/RM,and BScN.I hope to enroll in a master's long distance program by March this year.I have a strong medsurg background and love ...