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All Content by shygirl

  1. The anal med pass

    Same here!
  2. Clear stools?

    We had a woman who had the same thing and she had a bowel obstruction. It is a mucous, but it's also an infection
  3. What's your SOUTHERN sign

    This is cute! I'm a catfish
  4. Is Higher Education Worth It?

  5. Limitations of the Human Body

    :chuckle ,:chuckle :chuckle :roll
  6. More about me!

    Oh Rand,......Where are you?
  7. How do you handle dry reading material?

    I used to fall asleep reading those nursing books!
  8. Ignorance is not bliss

  9. Anyone ever care for a famous person?

    We had the brother of a famous person. Does that count?
  10. Thinking Out of The Box

    Sorry, I thought this was about Taco Bell!:chair:. But wait, I think that is Think outside the bun??? Or think outside...whatever. Sorry
  11. Saving the Placenta

    My next door neighbor brought her placenta home and dug a hole and put it in the ground and planted a tree on top of it. It grosses me out every time I look at that tree!
  12. When it rains, it pours!

    ((((((((LISA)))))), Try to have positive energy thoughts.
  13. I'm new here

    Welcome Kim, Good luck at school!
  14. Love

    Thanks Jayne. I feel the same know,... what you said! Shygirl
  15. Why aren't you working for me?

    I don't because I feel that I need more security. An agency doesnt care about you. My girlfriend worked for an agency and she got the sh*ttiest jobs around.
  16. Need suggestions, please!!

    We had to go to a grade school and do a presentation. We did proper hand-washing and supplied them all with toothbrushes and little toothpastes. One of the dentists here in town gave us those pink tablets that you chew after brushing to see what a cr...
  17. Gastric Bypass Surgery- Harmful or Helpful?

    I think it's sweet that your husband is against it. It shows he loves you no matter what you think of yourself. I work with a woman who had it done 6 months ago. She is ,yes, thinner; but she looks so tired and washed out. She is also cranky. Do you...
  18. how do we improve the image of nurses

  19. Advanced Absentminded Attention Deficit Disorder

    I must have it too! I wake up with all the intentions of making a good breakfast for family, 0700. I get up and see the puppy had an accident- have to clean it up. I notice as i am cleaning it up, the floor could use a good vacuuming.0715. I do the c...
  20. picture thingies

    Alyssa, Nice to see you. You look like an olympic ice skater waiting to hear she has won the gold! Shygirl
  21. picture thingies

    I know how you feel. It took me forever to learn how to post pictures.
  22. any suggestions

    Micro, Sorry, not a pulmonary nurse- just saying "Hi" and good luck on the new position!
  23. I don't do corn fields!
  24. I voted for Vegas! That's where we got married! I love Las Vegas
  25. Wanna Scream!

    Who is the idiot that put a 3 pronged foley in? How do you stand working there with all the incompetent staff? You could get a job anywhere where there is plenty of help. You shouldn't have to put up with this. Shygirl