

Lie detection

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All Content by Cattitude

  1. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    I agree. I always love these threads. Like people start working as a nurse and are suddenly shocked that there are difficult people in the world! Come on! We run into meanies everywhere and sometimes even everyday. At the ripe old age of 39 I am fina...
  2. bullies succeed?

    I think it's also perception of individual situations. I don't look at the above as "bullying". Just a nurse being a jerk. To me, bullying is repetitive, unprovoked, ongoing teasing, manipulating or harassing another person. Not "chewing someone ...
  3. Co-worker stole my ID

    first of all i don't think one should compare professional nursing to bartending though i do understand the point you are trying to make. that point is a common one that people often use in these types of discussions. however many times its the bo...
  4. Co-worker stole my ID

    So all those in favor of yanking licenses permanently please answer this: What job do you deem appropriate and "ok" for a recovering ex-nurse to do? Let's see what's safe... a. waitress--um, nope they could relapse and poison someone ...
  5. Co-worker stole my ID

    What's the "type"? This should be an interesting answer. I didn't know we were a "type"...
  6. Co-worker stole my ID

    miss jessic did you miss this from the na site??? ""however, it is our fellowship's collective experience and understanding that addiction is, in fact, a disease. we have no reason to challenge that perception now. it has served us well. our experien...
  7. Who's charting is it anyway?

    :chair: this is me hiding from my boss. she is always trying to make me rewrite what i have charted. let me state that i am not a new nurse and i have been in homecare for almost 4 yrs. she is very type a and gets on everyone's case, not just mine ...
  8. 5 pounds per year

    Oh darlin'. I gained 100 lbs! Yep. But.... I have rid myself of 95 of them. If I can do it, anyone can. I did NOT want to become diabetic, develop heart disease, or anything else. I wanted to be healthy and feel good about myself. It's all pos...
  9. Co-worker stole my ID

    great post and you have a good understanding of what addiction is. it's astonishing to believe that you have been hurt so deeply and yet you have this intense understanding. that shows that anything is possible when you open your mind and heart:yeah...
  10. Co-worker stole my ID

    And Bless You for going through what you have gone through and having the beautiful disposition that you do. I am so sorry for all that you have been put through and I sincerely hope your troubles are resolved soon.
  11. Co-worker stole my ID

    i have to understand that the above in blue is your opinion. because it sure isn't fact. and it sure isn't the view of the many professionals and experts who have studied addiction for years. those of us in na do not differentiate between "two" dis...
  12. Co-worker stole my ID

    I'm trying to find where exactly in my post you see this? You didn't! :trout: I never said that . I DID say that people will also have to pay for any criminal acticity. How is that excusing anything???? FTR, I got very lucky. No probation, no ...
  13. Co-worker stole my ID

    Well I'm weird right along with you then... Another thing, I know we've all done a lot of talking about recovering nurses. I want to again reiterate that actively using nurses ARE sick. Committing crimes for drugs IS SICK BEHAVIOR. The stuff I did...
  14. Co-worker stole my ID

    i couldn't finish posting this a.m., had to go to work so i will do so now. how do you know what the op cares about? maybe some things in this thread have answered questions for the op and others. i certainly hope so. maybe a nurse that uses anoth...
  15. Co-worker stole my ID

    I've been both victim AND addict . I have been victimized by the person you are supposed to trust the most in the world. The one that gave you life. Yep, my Mother. When your own mother steals from you,lies to you, tries to manipulate you for years ...
  16. What a humbling experience this has been

    Tazzi, Thank you for this post. I know before I did HH I didn't even know what it was about. When I first started, I thought I wouldn't be a "real nurse" anymore. Ha! I learned that real nurses aren't limited to one type of care. They encompass MA...
  17. Co-worker stole my ID

    Don't take anything too personally, many people have been hurt by addiction in some form and are lashing out. It's NOT about you. Thankfully, "the powers that be" don't feel we should lose our licenses forever right? Keep on doing what you're doin...
  18. Co-worker stole my ID

    I hope she doesn't try to make trouble for you!!! I know you like that job. Hopefully she just leaves it all in the past.
  19. Co-worker stole my ID

    Actually, a LOT of "non-nurse addicts" get reductions in sentencing and such, especially if they go to treatment. Do you really think that all addicts go to jail? No way. There is a thing called Drug Court in many states. It is a special court de...
  20. Nurses Who Are Drug Addicts

    Not only am I an addict but my Mother has been in active addiction for 25 years. How have I trusted anyone in 25 years when my own mother has stolen from me? Lied to me? Used drugs when pregnant with my baby sister? I had to sleep with my money stuf...
  21. I put roughly about 10-15 miles per day on my car just for patients as they are pretty close together. If i cover another nurse, it may go up to 25 but thats it. I hear a lot of nurse's complain about wear and tear on the car and at first I agreed....
  22. I know that in a lot of states we are mandated reporters when on the job. What about off the job? What if we witness abuse or suspect abuse during off work hours? Of course, morally the right thing to do is to report but would we still be considered...
  23. I went from SICU to Home Health and I think it's pretty darn sweet. No nights, no holidays and only every 7th weekend on call (just started that). I make great money, my pt's are wonderful, I have a steady caseload. Yea there are plenty of annoyance...
  24. "Red Flags" of Drug Diversion

    oh i've been used to that for years already. my head is not in the sand. but if anyone continues to use offensive terms like "idiots" than i'm going to speak up. as far as time magazine, i haven't read the article, maybe i'll check it out. but i c...
  25. Child Protective Services--Reporting?

    All the neighbors have heard the verbal abuse. I alone, heard the smacks the one time. The kid screamed loud and she smacked him 3-4 times. I just don't know where on the body she hit him. I didn't see it. For all I know she hit the railing and h...