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All Content by Cattitude

  1. Ever notice this about allnurses?

    Great idea. I always think that the delivery of one's message has an impact on the response they'll get. A blunt "How do I get into nursing school"? is likely to be met with groans and eyerolls. A "I'm interested in nursing school. I know this sub...
  2. Tired of impaired nurses

    I think she was just trying to make a point about addiction being viewed as a disease like many other diseases. A lot of people do not view it as a disease. Or they "blame" the addict. We addicts beat ourselves up enough. We don't need the rest of t...
  3. How Would You Handle This?

    me? i'd probably pee on their shoe. hey, ya gotta go, right? and it would get them out of line:lol2:.
  4. Co-worker stole my ID

    Thank you so much for sharing your story and your strength. It's all about hope and recovery and moving away from that lost place. I'm glad you found help for your bipolar disorder, it can be debillitating I know. I too understand where some that d...
  5. I left a patient's home crying today

    Oh {{{{{{{{{Tazzi}}}}}}}} this is part of Home Health. I can say that for me, it makes me feel like an honored part in the pt's care. I've had a couple of pt's choose to die at home and NOT want to transfer to hospice but instead stay with us (Long ...
  6. No Wonder We Have Sooo Much Shortage Of Nurses

    Ditto to the OP... In this age of "me-ism" and entitlement, it's only going to get worse. Nurses won't stay long in the hospital setting at all. Everyone wants their butt kissed from Admin. to the docs to the CNA's. Why does that have to go on for pe...
  7. This just infuriates me!

    Wow. I think this is maddening. I don't have kids and have dealt with infertility issues for more than 8-9 years. If my job did the above to me that would be a slap in the face and extremely unfair. People without kids most certainly DO have fami...
  8. Patients with interesting occupations (or not)

    I wasn't yet a nurse but still a unit clerk when we got a quite infamous murderess on our unit in for a CABG. No names but she was known in my area for killing her married lover, a "diet Dr." in the 80's I think. And then Joan Rivers came to visit he...
  9. Incompetent nurses

    I'm not offended at all by the OP's post. I think it says a lot about his story and personal experiences. I know that I take suggestions from others very seriously. Especially when they know more than I. I have also worked many, many nights with no ...
  10. Feeling like a loser.....

    Great tip #1 Great tip #2 And #3 All good advice. I found that nursing tests, including the NCLEX are unlike any other tests I ever took. You just can't "overthink" your answers . Never, ever pick what you would do in the real world. Pick your...
  11. "It jsut water weight........"

    Another reason for the water weight comments. I work part time for Weight Watchers. In the first week, people usually lose a lot more than any other time. We do say that some of it is fluid. Why? Well when we eat poorly, we tend to eat higher in so...
  12. "Do you miss the ER?"

    tazzi, when i first started hh 4 years ago, i felt like i would never get used to being out of the hospital setting. i felt like i would never feel useful not getting "my hands dirty" so to speak. oh how wrong i was. i am still amazed at how mu...
  13. Nurses Who Are Drug Addicts

    I agree with Miranda though I do understand what Sara62 is trying to say. However, addiction among nurses is not the issue that is going to bond us, trust me! We do need unity in nursing and I hope one day we get it. Actively using addicted nurses ne...
  14. Sad conversation today

    This is an excellent idea. We had a pt. with a poor prognosis and while his mind was still fairly intact, our social worker went in frequently to visit. She brought in a mini tape recorder and had him talk about his life, family, events, stories, et...
  15. Nurses Who Are Drug Addicts

    Hi Sara, I too am a nurse in recovery. It's been a long road and I've had to go through a lot of emotions and learning to get to where I am today. Sometimes, other nurses can't offer support because they are human. Not everyone believes that 1. a...
  16. Sad conversation today

    Your post made me tear up and you are so right. It IS harder on the families. I've had several pt's on homecare with it and seeing the families go through stuff just breaks my heart. Hugs to you...
  17. Whew! I feel like we've been reprimanded by the Miss Manners of Nursing .
  18. Lazy doctors/nurses? What is going on?

    Yes, agree totally. I like to think that most MD's have good intentions but are overworked in today's managed care atmosphere. Yes this is true as well. Many patients "tune" us out also! I feel like a broken record so many times when trying to e...
  19. "Did you report her?"

    I don't think tattling serves any purpose. I'm not talking about serious issues such as pt. abuse,diversion, etc. I mean everyday, run of the mill stuff. Things we see posted here I wouldn't run and tell. I think this is part of the problem that is...
  20. Just a vent.....

    Very well said. I think it's abslute hogwash when snitchy people do this kind of stuff to one another and one day I'd like to see it cease. I'm a true blue loyal kind of girl and this really gets me in a twist. Nursing needs unity!
  21. Professional courtesy from police at traffic stops

    I've been stopped quite a few times and gotten off with just warnings. I've got a lead foot!
  22. Please allow me some arrogance!

    congrats tweety!!! welcome to to the bsn world!!!
  23. Nurses Who Are Drug Addicts

    First of all congrats om your recovery, one day at a time! Next, you'll be doing the right thing by reporting your suspicions but dn't jump into it further by being the detective and "documenting", that is the hospitals job. AND you don't need to be...
  24. Hospital based agency

    Do any of you work for a hospital based agency? As most of you may know, I do , I've posted it before. It seems I'm the only one that does however. Where I live, there are several hosp. based agencies. I just wonder if they pay better/offer better...
  25. Because it seems that we mainly get stories from complaining students here, I thought it might be interesting to call on some of the teachers. So professors, why don't you share some of YOUR horror stories or any other student experiences. How are to...