

LTC, med/surg, hospice

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All Content by Caffeine_IV

  1. Variable hours??

    I would think it meant varying shifts within that shift time frame (7-11, 7-3, 11-7 maybe?). Usually if it is rotating shifts, it will say that specifically.
  2. IS THIS TRUE???

    We did the sports bra and shorts assessment but nothing more than that. I do recall an older retired nurse saying in her nursing school days...they did all skills on each other including NG tube. I would NOT have made it if I had to do that.
  3. Threatened by patient

    I'm glad someone intervened. I would be disappointed as well. We have a code silver that we call for these situations and security responds. The charge nurse doesn't override the nursing supervisor so she still should've come and weighed in. I'm goin...
  4. I don't know if I want to be a nurse anymore

    What other areas have you tried? What do you mean by mentally demanding? You mentioned outpatient but can you be more specific? I would think that an outpatient setting would fit the criteria.
  5. Watching my friends leave :( Question about future.

    It really depends on what your interests are. ED is demanding, fast paced and requires lots of flexibility. ICU is also demanding depending on the acuity of the patients and the pace can be fast but it is more focused (IMO). In which role do you feel...
  6. Interview next week....UM/UR

    My interview went well. The position is pretty much the same as a clinical documentation specialist. I'm shadowing someone next week and then we go from there.
  7. How to handle a coworker who is giving poor care

    Do you have any examples? Is it something you can prove? I have worked with slack nurses but never had to report anything. One I recall got fired for neglecting to hang chemo.
  8. I've never referred anyone but I know over several people that got hired that way. Networking is very important for some coveted positions.
  9. Twelve hour shifts. Are you doing 3 or 4 days a week?

    When I was FT, I just did my 3 12s. However in a previous position we were scheduled 1 OT shift every other week. I got burned out quickly. Holiday pay is Time and a 1/2 I'm prn now and I work the bare minimum.
  10. Interview next week....UM/UR

    All of it will be new for me so I will be sure to ask a lot of questions. Maybe they will let me shadow someone for a half day since I'd be an internal transfer.
  11. Nursing Dose

    Yes I've heard of it. I've never had anyone recommend that I do it as that is outside our scope. I'm sure some nurses do it and they would be wise not to speak of it. I don't think it's good practice. If they truly need more medicine then it is our ...
  12. Convicted of murder as a teen and now a nurse

    Maybe it's possible that becoming a nurse was a way of paying a penance so to speak. (I may not be using that phrase correctly). I took a life now I am helping preserve/improve lives.
  13. Interview next week....UM/UR

    The title is Case Manager RN and department - Compliant Documentation Management. I will look through the QI section as well. AnnaN5 At a previous employer, we had the position you described and they were called Clinical Documentation Specialists or ...
  14. Interview next week....UM/UR

    Thank you for your response. I will find out more info during the interview. One of the preferred qualifications listed UM/UR experience and being familiar with Medicare MS-DRGs/PPS. I won't list the entire listing but this was also bulleted point. ...
  15. Need Help with IV Insertion

    I wouldn't recommend a student that isn't comfortable with the traditional technique to go off using a bevel down technique. The IV/jelcos we use have a notch for you to slide the needle off the catheter. I'm not sure how that would work upside down....
  16. Convicted of murder as a teen and now a nurse

    The lady has already been outed otherwise it wouldn't be so easy to find her name. I found it yesterday in under 3 minutes and there are blogs dedicated to this case. I admit I got sucked it but I found it interesting to read comments from supposed c...
  17. Convicted of murder as a teen and now a nurse

    I agree. I'm sure people with lesser crimes have not fared as well.
  18. What makes a nursing contract binding & official?

    I would consult a lawyer. Did you not talk with your mother or anyone before signing something? I hope you have a copy of everything you signed. Not paying for orientation is unacceptable to me.
  19. Need Help with IV Insertion

    Remember the needle is your also your anchor and guide. You have to advance just a bit more after the flash then slide the catheter off the needle. If you try thread it too soon, the flexible catheter will bend and you can't slide it in. Confidence i...
  20. How early you can give your resignation letter?

    4 weeks is standard
  21. Convicted of murder as a teen and now a nurse

    She paid her debt to society...though the sentence seems quite minimal for killing a teen classmate in a violent manner. I don't think she should be a nurse but it appears she has gone of to live a full life.
  22. PLEASE HELP! fired/demoted RN still on orientation

    Good luck! I hope you get the other offer. All of those issues are things that can be fixed. Time management will come. It would help to have 1 or 2 preceptors for consistency. Research doesn't support using trendelenburg for hypotension so I wouldn...
  23. isu

    I would go on their official website. To be successful in online courses, you will need to be resourceful and computer savvy enough to seek out contacts and other information.
  24. Patients family in the medical field

    I agree it can be a positive or negative just like with any non healthcare family. With any family, I try to meet them where they are. If someone says they are a nurse or MD, I always ask them about their specialty and take it from there. Sometimes ...
  25. Why can't i get a job???? US RN

    Where are your classmates getting jobs? I would try to find out tips from them and also network even more. You may have to expand your search. Have you applied for only FT spots? I would apply for PT also. As stated, par down your resume if necessary...