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About jajski

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  1. Common skills needed for med-surg

    I tell new grads: if you need help, never be afraid to ask me. There is no thing as a stupid question, and I will always stop what I am doing to help you (short of a rapid response or code blue on MY pt) ... I think it really helps them to know WHO...
  2. Do you belong to a nursing association?

    I belong to the Academy of Med/Surg Nurses - AMSN. Med/Surg is a specialty in itself, and I am proud to belong to AMSN. I also received my Med/Surg certification through AMSN so I am now "CMSRN" - Certified Medical Surgical RN. ANA to me, way too...
  3. shift ends at 7, but you leave at 9? Why?

    I want to know where all of you work that you are a)getting out every night on time b) are standing at the time clock waiting to leave..... I've been a med surg nurse for the last 22 years .... I love it, it's my passion, I cannot imagine doing any...
  4. Board Certification for Med/Surg

    I recently sat for the med/surg certification exam given by the Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses. I bought the Springhouse review book and studied with that even though that book was prepared for the ANA exam. AMSN provides exam study material as...