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All Content by dauschundlover

  1. Posting a survey guidelines?

    Did you get a response regarding your survey? I filled out the form and I don't know if they received it or if it's lost in cyper space. Any comments would be grateful.
  2. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    No softstorm I don't believe everytime someone speaks they are talking about me. How naive for u to think that if u do your job that is all that matters. If I was judged on how I did my job I would probably still be there. You see I look at a job as ...
  3. Scheduled meeting with manager, HR and union rep

    I never sign anything I don't agree with and they can't make u even if they say signing doesn't mean you agree with what's being said your only signing that it was shown to you. DON'T SIGN. If anything just write a rebuttal, but never sign their ve...
  4. Scheduled meeting with manager, HR and union rep

    I never sign anything I don't agree with and they can't make u even if they say signing doesn't mean you agree with what's being said your only signing that it was shown to you. DON'T SIGN. I
  5. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    dear nanacarol, I tried to stay at a hospital for the benefits and the pay as well as the mission statement. What it got me was fired. I'm an individual with free will and I refused at this particular job to be manipulated by those of "power". I was ...
  6. Scheduled meeting with manager, HR and union rep

    I think if I were u I'd try to just forget out this till monday. Then first thing monday I thnk u should call YOUR union rep and find out what's up. It's my understanding that when you belong to a union the rep is there to help and protect u. I wou...
  7. Scheduled meeting with manager, HR and union rep

    Okay let me get the facts right. Your presently working 2 jobs, one fulltime, one part time. You were scheduled to work both places and choose to call out sick to the full time job. If these facts r right then this is my opinion. You shouldn't ha...
  8. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    What I think happens to the comaraderie between nurses is that we receive no level of credibility from management, MD's, PA's. Everyone thinks we think we're doctors. But the way I was taught to look at all those that work in medicine is that each ...
  9. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    In my comment stating that we all passed the same boards I was hoping to point out that to separate nurses by their education was for lack of a better word ridiculous. I should be united in the goal of bringing credibility to our field and if that m...
  10. Do Nurses Eat Their Young?

    Maybe we shouldn't say "eat our young", but I have to say in today's world nurses eat everyone. Most recently I relocated and took a job at a hospital that came highly recommended as being "great" to it's nursing staff. What I found within a day of...
  11. bicarb to declot lines

    A good source regarding this issue is the INS, Intravenous Nurse Society. I believe u use bicarb for certain clotting factors but not necessarily blood. But check with INS.
  12. Scheduled meeting with manager, HR and union rep

    I have to agree with everyone that your boss is a true example of what is wrong with nursing management. Any real manager would have called u in right away and taken care of the issue not put it in the manner she did and have you worry all weekend. ...
  13. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    Your kidding yourself if you think a BSN carries more weight then any other form of nursing education. Afterall didn't we all pass the same boards?
  14. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    Snoopd is right, especially when it comes to what abbreviations get you. Hats off to snoopd to realize those abbreviations are used only for marketing purposes and not for a higher regard for nursing. If you want to see how much CEO's value nursing...
  15. Just one persons opinion

    In response to classicdame. How can someone, anyone stay in nursing and not adapt to new changes and developments. When I think of how medicine has changed since I graduated if I had not stayed up on things I'd be lost. The acuity level of the pat...
  16. Just one persons opinion

    To all "experienced" nurses. Please help me with this issue. I need to know if I'm being overly sensitive or have I once again been slapped in the face by an organization that promotes itself as having my best interest at heart. When I got home ye...
  17. Just one persons opinion

    I'm not sayng experience equals excellence. All I'm saying is that Dr. O'Grady with all his initials could have found a more eloquent way to state his point. Afterall experience has it's place in every profession. And although I wouldn't consider ...
  18. Just one persons opinion

    OMG I think I met my long lost sister.
  19. Just one persons opinion

    Don't get me wrong being in a profession for a long time doesn't make you great at what you do. However, don't make a blanket statement regarding those of us who have been around for so long. If you ask me what makes a person good at what they do i...
  20. Just one persons opinion

    I'm with u. Nothing damages us as nurses as when one of presents herself or himself as knowing it all. It doesn't take much for a pt. to loose confidence in you as their nurse then when another nurse states or implies that another nure "doesn't kn...
  21. What would make you say "I could never do that"

    I'm with you that's where I draw the line. I can handle organs hanging out but don't even show me an xray of a limb and all the metal used for repair.
  22. Just one persons opinion

    Thanks for your opinions. Don't get me wrong having just left a hospital where if I had received a dollar for everytime someone said "because that's the way we've always done it" I would now be retired. All I'm saying is that I have been a nurse fo...
  23. alcohol site prep

    chloraprep is the preferred choice for cleansing prior to iv insertion. 30 second scrub on a dry area, one minute scrub on a wet area, allow to dry then insert the catheter.
  24. When to call the doctor...

    I call the doctor whenever I feel he needs to be made aware of any issue involving his patient. It's up to him to decide what and if anything should be done. That way I can chart Dr.__________, is aware. That way it can't come back to haunt me. S...
  25. HIPAA violation or not..?

    Gee from the majority of responses getting kicked out of the hospital was way to lenient she should have been tarred and feathered. Look, none of us know the circumstances and I wonder if the event was truly investigated. Did the patient give the s...