Marsha Miller

Marsha Miller

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  1. "The Jesus Factor"

    I have read the many comments and I think it is very much appropriate what this nurse wants to do. I think if she is a real Christian, she will know the appropriate time to bring up the subject and witness to her patient's or just pray in silence for...
  2. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    Thank you for comments. Having a BSN does not make you more equipped to care for patients, but I wish we as nurse would want more for the profession of nursing. I have come up the line of nursing (CNA, LPN, Diploma, BSN), so I have seen many facets...
  3. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    Thank you for your comments. I love to spark a good debate. I don't really think anything will come of a mandate for the BSN to be the entry level for RN's, mainly because of the mindset of "what's the use", the nursing shortage, or whatever. I c...
  4. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    It is so sad to hear many of the comments about "if I had to go back to school, it would not in nursing" GET OUT!:smackingf Why are you still in it if you don't want to see it grow?. . . I was a LPN, Diploma RN, BSN, and now in graduate school. ...