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About Peppers82

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  1. I love this website! There is so much to learn. Ask, and you shall receive! I'm in the process of getting my resume together and thinking about how I will interview. Thank you Karen for all the info...
  2. I love this website! There is so much to learn. Ask, and you shall receive! I'm in the process of getting my resume together and thinking about how I will interview. Thank you Karen for all the info...
  3. New Grad Questions

    Thank you all very much for the feedback. I need to come back to this website much more than I do, its so helpful! I guess I'm enjoying it much more now that I have a bit more flexibility with my...
  4. New Grad Questions

    Hello Everyone, I've been under a different kind of stressor recently. I am in my last month of the RN program. Graduating June 4th, woot woot!!! I am just worried of not performing as I should once I...
  5. I dont know why this is so hard for me. I somehow just get by with doing these and I'm to the point where I would like to master them and not have to make them out to be this huge problem I'm not...