

LTC, Sub-acute, correctional

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All Content by njbikernurse

  1. how do you NOT get overtime and get done?

    In my experience, it's impossible to do all the work you're supposed to do and still get out on time. Wherever I've worked, the nurses who got out on time were skipping tasks but signing that they did them. Sorry to be so blunt, but it's true. I only...
  2. What are the most laid back nursing jobs?

    I'd say corrections. If the setting itself doesn't stress you out, the job itself is the least stressful I've ever had. I usually get to completely finish all my intended tasks by the end of my shift, and always get out on time! Plus there are always...
  3. Why inmates do not deserve free healthcare

    Some inmates have absolutely no access to even a couple of dollars. I work in a small county jail, and the inmates get money from one of two sources: money earned themselves if they are able to get on the work block (this is for minimum security inma...
  4. Paramedics in Nursing

    Well, since you asked: 1. Yes, I sense a little jealousy. But hey, I'm jealous of lots of people who have it better or easier than me! My main consolation is that I'm grateful for all I've learned, and proud of doing things the proper way and not ski...
  5. EC study question

    I highly recommend taking Microbiology first if that's a class that you don't already have credits for. It just helps sooooo much in understanding the infectious disease processes that are covered in all of the nursing exams. I also suggest taking li...
  6. Patients with interesting occupations (or not)

    At my first job out of LPN school, I had a patient who was a nun. Whenever I had to do a dressing change on her sacral wound, I felt so weird looking at a nun's butt. She was alert and oriented, maybe it was weird for her too!
  7. Would you be a patient at your place of employment?

    I definitely would not want to be a patient at my place of employment. I work in the county jail! All kidding aside, I did run into this situation where I was offered a job at a doctor's office where I used to be a patient, and even that made me unco...
  8. I passed Excelsior's A&P exam!

    Congrats to you! It's funny, there have been three Excelsior exams that I was thinking I failed, then the grade comes up at the end as an "A". Lotsa critical thinking questions on the Nursing Concepts exams, not so much cut and dry memorization type ...
  9. Distance Learning

    I am currently enrolled in Excelsior. I have only two exams left, NC6 and NC7, plus the CPNE. If you truly believe you will make yourself study (even when the weather is beautiful), then I highly recommend this program. You don't need the outside pub...
  10. Not able to continue orientation, feel terrible.

    Nobody is really that understanding, in my experience. They need a position filled and if you're not it, the the next person in line is. The question is, are you it? Maybe I'm wrong, but nobody ever offered to go out of their way to accommodate my ne...
  11. PRN wages

    At several LTC facilities I've worked at, the PRN nurses had no benefits but made 10% more that the part time or full time staff.
  12. Not able to continue orientation, feel terrible.

    It doesn't sound like you're at all up to taking on a new job at this time. It's hard enough when you've got no other problems. All I can say is, accept that you may be kissing this opportunity goodbye forever and will need to look elsewhere when you...
  13. OMG!! You guys are right!

    The more I hear about long term care, the more I think there's just no safe place in it for me. It's a rare facility where the nurses have all been on the job together for a long time, and being together for a while is what makes teams work. My best ...
  14. Does size matter.

    I'm pretty small myself, just under 5 feet tall, and about 120 lbs. Nobody thought twice about hiring me! It's pretty funny standing next to a 6"4" inmate who weighs about 300 pounds, especially when I'm taking a B/P and can barely see the gauge! Som...
  15. Excelsior? Which guides/books on e-bay?

    Well, I'm up to Nursing Concepts 6 now, and I still firmly believe in following the Excelsior study guide and looking at all the recommended reading. But this is also the first exam that I've bought the Lisa Arends notes for, and I must admit I like ...
  16. Took NC6...

    I am studying for this one now. Just wondering, were there specific questions about immunization ages for children? I cannot get this info to stick in my head, no matter what I try! Thanks!
  17. What is the nicest thing a patient has ever said to you?

    I did wound care on a man who was one of the nit-pickiest, crankiest, unthankful patients I have ever had. This went on for 6 weeks, nothing I ever did was good enough,whenever I left the room he would hit the call bell 2 seconds later and say I forg...
  18. LPN's just glorified nurse aids in LTC? Huh?

    At my last facility, they told us that LPN's cannot do a few things: 1. Hang the first bag of IV ABT, but can hang successive bags 2. Mix TPN 3. Do admission "assessments", can do the admission "evaluation" and have RN co-sign That's about all. Usual...
  19. New Nurse

    It's nice to hear a nurse say they want to stay and help! However, I don't understand how the facility can let a nurse start working on their own if they don't know how to do certain things, especially admissions. Sooner or later, that nurse will hav...
  20. Assessment videos/DVD's

    Wow, I can't thank you enough. I've bookmarked a bunch of the pages you suggested. It's wonderful that I can access this information for free, now that's more in my price range! Thanks again.
  21. Assessment videos/DVD's

    Hi, I just wanted to know if anyone has found any good assessment videos, I am especially interested in respiratory and cardiac assessment. While searching online, most of the stuff I found was about $300, which is NOT the price range I'm looking for...
  22. New to Corrections!! Hired through MHM

    What's it mean to "walk the line"? Never heard of that. Well, congrats on starting in corrections. I had my doubts, but after doing it for a year or so, it's just a dream job. Great support from coworkers, lots of sick humor, you learn things everyda...
  23. How do the distant programs do clinicals?

    Nope, no clinicals in the Excelsior program. That's why they require you to be an LPN to enroll. You've already done school-based clinicals in the LPN program, and have worked in a clinical setting as a nurse. This is what appeals to me about this pr...
  24. Whew, you sound like you are in full-blown crisis mode worrying about this. It's no doubt a scary prospect to start something new, but in a way it's just as scary to stay on the path you're on now. You're gaining weight, losing confidence, and becomi...
  25. 3-11 shift any suggestions on how to change?

    Well, in my experience, LTC is always desperate for nurses, so they will try to work with you on scheduling. The only trouble spot is the 7-3 shift, which more people want. If by Baylor schedule, you mean weekend premium, then you might be in luck. S...