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All Content by ArizonaMark

  1. He Missed Narcotic Count by 10 Pills!

    Thank you all for your constructive comments. I spoke with my immediate super. She attempted to bring the young buck to his senses, and it didn't work. He simply accused her of playing favorites. So, despite my distaste for documenting others behavio...
  2. I work at an out-patient mental health clinic. On a day off one month ago, a fellow nurse covered my clientele. One of my clientele come in for med boxes to be filled with assistance by the nurse. This client takes Lorazepam BID PRN. The count was 45...
  3. He Missed Narcotic Count by 10 Pills!

    This nurse is an LPN. I didn't want to mention it in my original post as I don't want to go there. But, truth be told, he does seem to have an inferiority complex about that, always trying to demonstrate how knowledgeable he is. The count was off by...
  4. Boss Keeps Asking Me to Lunch

    I have a great boss. We worked together in a correctional facility, and when he came across my resume in his current position, ADON, he gave me a call. Now, I am working in a behavioral health clinic. Great autonomy, benefits, etc... Only problem is...
  5. Boss Keeps Asking Me to Lunch

    To all the posters, THANK YOU for your responses, each and every one. I read as many as I could prior to going to work this morning. And, based upon a steadfast desire not to allow myself to be tread upon, as well as strength from your support, I ca...
  6. Nurse assaulted

    Hallelujah !
  7. very little patient interaction

    There are likely two reasons why the nurse(s) aren't interacting. 1. There is so much documentation and paperwork, little time is left to actually "see" the patients. 2. The nurse may well be afraid of the patients. I worked in an acute psych unit p...
  8. Wow, it is tragically amazing how life can take a sudden U turn. I'm sorry for your troubles GalRN. Here are a few suggestions to keep you active, which is what you need to be doing right now. 1) Apply for unemployment insurance ASAP. Document everyt...
  9. Good for you to go the extra mile. Seems like we have both seen nurses who take every opportunity to annihilate the new guy (girl)! Kudos to you for stepping up and giving a new nurse a hand! Kindly, Mark
  10. Hi GalRN, Yes, you are expecting too much too soon. If she's spent all her time in an OR, how in the world would she know about all this psych stuff. She's proven she is a good nurse, she has a license. For goodness sake, give her a chance and work w...
  11. Alcohol use with insulin injections and BG sticks

    (i confess i also use the lancets more than once) hmm, i would suggest this is not a good idea. not using alcohol wipes is one thing, but driving a dirty needle through your skin into your bloodstream is probably not a good idea. remember, little b...
  12. Alcohol use with insulin injections and BG sticks

    First a caveat, I DO use alcohol wipes prior to every FSBS with my patients. Having said that, there was a study recently regarding the efficacy of using alcohol wipes vs not. The study demonstrated no difference in rates of infection r/t wipes or no...
  13. If FNP is my goal, what is a good RN specialty?

    I too work in a correctional setting as a RN. Like Dixiecup described, we too have a clinic-like setting where I have opportunities to work side-by-side with MDs, NPs, and PAs. As well, on the weekends, I am responsible for the nurse sick call. My N...
  14. New to county jail nursing

    Remember your ABCs, and get as much info as you can via vitals, FSBS, lung sounds, etc... before you make a dx. A lot of arrestees do malinger in the hopes of getting cited and released by arresting agency. Also, easy access to meds and phones in a h...
  15. ADN to MSN nurse practitioner online with bachelor in non nursing area

    I am in a similar situation. I have an ADN and a BA. I am going to take a bridge program through the U of Phoenix toward my MSN NP program. The bridge will take four months or so I am told. The program I will take is a "on-campus" program though we ...
  16. Where to practice your Spanish before you practice in Spanish?

    Ok, this is really quaint. I do see a parallel between your inquiry and perhaps someone who has gone through nursing school and never actually saw a real patient. For the sake of argument, I will answer your question as asked. I too speak Spanish ver...
  17. Tell Me What It's Really Like

    Inmates can misbehave in many ways, including verbal intimidation and exposing themselves and whatnot. Most likely won't, but yes some will from time to time. Goes with the territory. As well, like the other commentator, I concur the LPNs can be pre...
  18. B-52 I/M

    I am picking up a few shifts in my psych dept. at a correctional facility. Going to get orders at some point for B-52s I/M now, or the equivalent (Haldol 5mg, Ativan 2mg, Benadryl 100mg). Can someone with exp. with this order tell me if you are combi...
  19. What is it like to be a CNA?

    Diaper change, you are the first called. Urine catheter bag full, empty it. Grandma gotta go pee again, you will likely help her to the bathroom. Mr. Jones in room 7 looks really pale and appears in distress, you will likely be the first one to notic...
  20. Home care psych RN job offer...input please!!

    Should you decide to take the position, dress the part. In other words, I would not go into a sketchy area of town dressed too conspicuously. Blue jeans, a simple top, so on. Perhaps a personal protective device of your choice, mace, a loud horn perh...
  21. UPH hospital in Tucson

    I did work psych there for a short while. The staff was overall friendly and helpful. However, we were chronically short of staff, and consequently overworked. As well, they had instituted a very liberal hands off policy toward violent patients. We ...
  22. Use alcohol to clean ear piercing?

    Soap and water Carl. Alcohol will actually impede the healing process and prevents a fresh wound from coagulating. That and I have actually found soap and water remove dried blood much more effectively. Mark :smiletea2:
  23. Use alcohol to clean ear piercing?

    No Carl. Mild soap and warm water will do just fine. Why do you ask, are you in the piercing business? Mark
  24. Brown Recluse Spider Bites..

    I work in a detention facility. We have a virtual epidemic of so-called "spider bites". The practitioners have seemed to have decided not to argue the point with the inmates. I suppose it gives them a little more comfort to think they were 'bitten' b...
  25. Did you get a self defense course included

    No, I don't believe any nurse is going to receive self-defense from a facility. Having said that, there is an upside. If you are not trained by the staff, you cannot be held accountable to how you might react if threatened/attacked. For example, most...