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All Content by nursechris1

  1. Idt

    I would like to know how different agencies run their IDT meetings. We run a census at about 80 patients, with each patient being discussed q 2 weeks. We have split our Patients into North and South teams. It takes 2 hours to discuss each team's acti...
  2. HIPAA....the nightmare....

    I agree that this is a big headache. The only good thing is that the lady that makes the appointments when I go to the dr shouldn't be able to ask me what the appointment is for. I can Just nunya:chuckle
  3. Nursing & Depression

    I have felt a lot of comfort reading the posts on this subject. I have been laxing in taking my antidep lately, and I can sure tell today. I have been very anxious, and very self concious. It's weird. I am well educated, I have been told that I am ...
  4. Idt

    Thanks, that does help. I have had people complain about how long the IDT is, but I see no way of making it shorter. It sounds like you all have the same process and the time length is similar. I might be going to Denver in April for the HPCNA confer...
  5. Nursing & Depression

    Actually he could use the antidepressants worse than me, but he doesn't think so. I just made up my mind that its no different than being diabetic, or having hypertension.
  6. Nursing & Depression

    Another factor that makes depression worse, is having a spouse who does not understand it, and who makes snide comments about me taking meds, telling me I am "gorked out". I went off my antidepressants for a time, and my dad, who has clinical depres...
  7. Nursing & Depression

    I very much agree with this. Many of the nurse I know tend to be more codependent, take care of everyone but themselves. Many of the nurses I work with are on Antidep. I don't think being in nursing causes depression as much as having a dsyf backgro...
  8. Charting Bloopers

    OMG I am laughing soooo hard, I have tears flowing down my cheeks!!! This was a much needed laugh!!!
  9. Another question about nursing salaries

    I have been a nurse for 9 years, I am now up to $20 an hour, which is almost at the top of my pay scale. My husband, who has no college (learned his trade in the military) Makes at least 15K more a year, has much better benefits, gets 12 + holidays a...
  10. How much do you make?

    RN hospice 18.37/h ...
  11. another jolly assignment

    I am soooo glad I don't do facility work any more. Although we still get some PIA families and patients on homecare and hospice. I have really learned to schmooze as much as I hate to.
  12. another jolly assignment

    This is like, when you run a marathon, or participate in something, you get a shirt to show you've been there and done it. So if you have had a similart experience, you say" been there, done it, got the tshirt"
  13. Hospice RN, Omaha, NE
  14. recurring dream

    nurstoon, sleepwalker cute cartoon about nursemares
  15. What Freaks You Out?

    I am totally laughing out loud about to pee my pants!! My son is looking at me like I am weird! Here is what freaks me: Hip or knee surgery (I hate the chiseling) Peeling clothes off of a hog farmer, who lives on a farm with no running water, Needles...
  16. recurring dream

    Oh, and I have peescapes ALL the time. I too have wondered how I have kept from wetting the bed.!!
  17. recurring dream

    I am SOOO glad I am not the only one who has nursemares.!! I've found that they are more vivid if I eat ice cream before I go to bed:confused: I have dreamt about call lights ringing. I am a hospice nurse now, so I have a lot of dreams about patient...
  18. Nasty M.D phone manners

    I too have had my share of nasty Drs. I had a patient, morning rounds, I couldn't get her to wake up. I took her blood sugar, as she was a renal patient, just thought it was good measure. I called the dr, told him the assessments, was MAD at me for d...
  19. Dyspnea Article

    We always use nebulized roxanol. Comes in bottle with a dropper, patient can titrate as needed. I have one patient, who is a nurse, who says she would be willing to tell any skeptics how wonderful it works for dyspnea.
  20. Hospice Salaries

    Here in Nebraska, Hospice nurses make the same as hospital nurses. Even if we didn't I wouldn't have chosen a different profession. It is incredibly rewarding.
  21. It's hard to live with a nurse because...

    Well,I also subscribe to the theory, no temp, no emesis, no coming home from school. But, I do get tired of my husband whining,and not doing anything about his s/s. He went thru a long pd of chest pain, told me he was dying. I told him to see a dr. ...
  22. how to take a shower

    TOOOO Funny!! I sent it to my mom, who put it to online stationary, with a man taking a shower, with the song "I'm to sexy for my shirt" playing.!