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All Content by kelligrl

  1. Someone Finished!!!!

    WOOHOO!!! GO Julie!! Congratulations on finishing...:balloons: :balloons: :biggringi
  2. It was a good day

    That's so good to hear....Keep up the good fight, glad things are going so well!!
  3. Men

    Started out with 7, down to 4. Sucks, they were all awesome..
  4. Patient Confidentiality or Police Right to Records

    NO NO NO!! They most definitely should NOT be able to do this!! While I understand their drive to want to catch who did this, breaching the confidentiality rights of the 999 other women is an unacceptable way to go about it. Period. In a small town,...
  5. Non Nurse Threads

    I'll say it again...I don't think it's trolls from anyone should be worried about...pi$$es me off that someone would spy on their coworker like that...Don't those two have some recourse they could take??
  6. Non Nurse Threads

    Exactly!! No technique is perfect. And if those people were turned in by fellow nurses, than that pretty much defeats the whole purpose, right? They have real license #'s to give. I personally think that trolls would appear to be the least of the wor...
  7. Non Nurse Threads

    :chuckle for real! it's cool not to want to get invaded, but I think in other ways to limit it would suck too...what about the people that come here to get a picture of what nursing is like and whether they want to do it?
  8. Cen

    I dunno about the posting probs, but it's good to see you post. You don't know me, you kinda stopped posting when I started, but I always found your posts intelligent and interesting...good to see you around!!
  9. You know, angelic, I may just have to bequeath mine right to you!!:roll Lord knows I won't be keeping it...:chuckle
  10. I hate--not getting paid..(with ya on that one julie), the horrific uniform I have to wear, but mostly, I hate how much TIME it takes from my life!!!! Put your life on hold!! And we also had to write out our meds (not anymore, thank bob) and you kn...
  11. LOOK the part?

    that I should take back my zip front mini dress and six inch heels?:roll Damn...:chuckle I personally find dark colors the best, as I can't get food within a six foot radius of me without it somehow ending up on the front of my shirt...And being ...
  12. What area?

    ROCKS!! Just got through that rotation last semester (only one semester left!! WOOHOO!!) and I really dug it! So I'll probably do that per diem cause I like it, and then I'm thinking ER or critical care with the ultimate goal of becoming a flight ...
  13. Ummm...Oops??

    Dear Mrs. Deceased... Wed Jul 17, 8:33 AM ET LONDON (Reuters) - A British bank said on Tuesday it had apologized to a man after sending a letter to his dead wife that began "Dear Mrs. Deceased." A spokesman for Egg, a bank which operates on the Inte...
  14. New Weight Loss Surgery

    Vegas, you look great!! No way could you be able to qualify!! And d**n woman--never feel bad about being stacked!! Seriously, before babies I was a size five. After babies, a size 13 and I swear I never got as much attention before!!:chuckle REAL...
  15. Help! psychology rotations

    You're gonna be fine!! The not showing skin thing is probably smart though; you just have to put it into perspective. Many times psych patients have very little boundaries. My instructor put it to us this way--"If you go in there dressed like you're...
  16. Life-Span class is shortening mine.

    :roll :chuckle :chuckle :roll I just got a mental picture...One-legged me trying to kick my own a$$.....:chuckle
  17. Life-Span class is shortening mine.

    :chuckle :chuckle :chuckle Thank you for reminding me--I'm sure I would have forgotten and then I would have just kicked myself!!! Seriously though, I'm pretty much of the "just let me get a freakin' C" frame of mind regarding this class...Just le...
  18. Life-Span class is shortening mine.

    So I took my test yesterday...If I got less than 105% then I'll chew off my own foot..:chuckle Not difficult to spit out what they want to hear, just be really vague and you've pretty much got it!!!!:roll And just so you know Peeps, I start my la...
  19. A question on reflection

    Sorry can't help you whisper....not sure what it is you're referring to?!?!
  20. New students...what is your fall schedule like?

    In the first two semesters we had daytime clinical, and in the last two we have night time clinical, with the exception of our psych rotation, which was a daytime rotation that lasted four weeks. I always thought I'd enjoy the nights more, but with ...
  21. Life-Span class is shortening mine.

    :roll LMAO Peeps...Seriously, I have to say that I'm right there with you on your theories of Freud and Pavlov...poor d**n dogs. I think you can be an effective nurse even if you don't buy into all of it....Just find a really short class, take in ...
  22. New students...what is your fall schedule like?

    I'm starting my last semester in August (WOOHOO!!) All I'll have left is nursing classes. Three days a week, monday, tuesday and wednesday, which is awesome because it leaves 4 days off, but monday is gonna be insane because I'm in class from 7 unt...
  23. Life-Span class is shortening mine.

    Did you seriously drop it?? I'm taking the class right now too and it bores the crap outta me. It's all I can do not to end up in the corner in the fetal position humming to midterm is on monday, guess I should start reading....
  24. In praise of men in nursing

    I'll go with you nursegoodguy!! Haven't gone clubbing in...too long!!!!
  25. In praise of men in nursing

    HOORAY for men!! All the male nurses/techs that I've worked or gone to school with were consistently helpful, rarely found attitude. There is definately an uphill battle for them in school, which I think is a shame because sometimes a man's viewpoi...