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All Content by kelligrl

  1. Partial Birth Abortion

    I haven't voted yet. What I'd like to know is, is there a place where a procedure like this would save the life of the mother?? As it stands, I would vote that it's heinous (and I am definitely pro-choice), but I'd like to know if I am not informed...
  2. computerized charting

    we use ulticare, I like it a lot. I just wish they would make the MD's put orders in on the computer. Right now they write them in the paper chart and we transcribe them in to the computer. Still have to deal with crappy writing:rolleyes:
  3. Question for those who started or currently in Med-Surg

    tele/med-surg- 4 if on primary care, six with a team. That's days, though, not sure if it changes on nights. thought about going straight into a specialty unit, but i'm glad i didn't. You really don't know just how much you don't get exposed to in...
  4. Question

    What the heck, I'll get the first round, now that I'm making aalllll this money.....
  5. As one who just jumped from student to RN, I gotta say that being on this end of things is HARD!! Sometimes the students are great, and want to learn and are active and all you gotta do is bat clean up (and make sure everything got done and be a reso...
  6. LPN's are Nurses Too? Aren't they?

    :chuckle :roll :chuckle
  7. I Flunked NCLEX!!

    12/15 So I took the real thing today, too. It shut off at 75 questions.....I dunno....But I enjoyed this one much more.
  8. "Kick Me Hard"

    Um, yeah, that was funny......when I was in third freakin' grade. Boy, the wit, the charm....I'm totally UNDERwhelmed.....:stone If you weren't feelin' done already, I'd say that would be a good note to exit on. People suck.
  9. It's also a matter of location: a lot of time really good care can be found for those without insurance, but usually that's in larger towns and cities where for obvious reasons there will be a larger population of uninsured. I'm not sure where you a...
  10. Yikes, that's not deep for 9 am or anything... I think it's a double edged sword. On the one side, we have the means to save people from diseases (whether through treatment or vaccination)that years ago wiped out thousands, some of them young health...
  11. Recruitment at clinicals?

    I think it's pretty standard actually. Heck, we even had a whole clinical day where we went down to Children's Hospital in LA and they gave us a recruiting pitch....Nice hospital, but Peds isn't my bag...
  12. lowering standards R/T shortage

    Tutored a first semester student a few months ago who asked me, "Will her lecture material be on the tests?" WTF?? Nah, she just stands up there and talks so she can listen to her own voice. She enjoys that....Yeah, I'd say that they're letting i...
  13. Your favorite and personal intimidators

    Yup, that's me also! When I'm around someone who's more out there than I am, I'm unsure of myself...I still can't seem to figure out how to deal with it....I also get kinda intimidated by people who are too, kind of, into you....You know, people tha...
  14. Are new nurses adequately prepared?

    So I don't know if it's just my program, or just in Cali, or what, but I'm finishing up my ADN program (7 more da-ays, 7 more da-ays:D) and our last portion of clinical is a preceptorship with an RN in which I work her schedule (3 12's) for 3 1/2 wee...
  15. NURSING SCHOOL: Your Biggest Challenge!

    Well, I have eight freakin' days left and seriously, my biggest problem is the MAN that I'm married to. I love him, but could he get any less FREAKIN' supportive?? I swear he's threatened by the whole d**n thing!! Today FLIPPED out because I was s...
  16. Lab value woes

    RDW is an indication of the variation in RBC size. RBC's are usually all approximately of the same size. Some type of anemia, maybe?
  17. Am I the only one?

    It'll get better. I'm almost done (3 more months) and for real, I finally feel a bit more NORMAL about all of it. Sounds weird, but the only way I can describe it. You'll hear the weird heart sounds, and know what the labs mean, and (holy h**l) ac...
  18. Introductions:"New" and "Old" Students.

    I'm Kellie, in my last semester of an ADN program...2 girls, 3 and 7. And right now I should be studying for my neuro exam....
  19. Business as usual

    I'm freakin' wiped too....But this is it, my last first test is Monday--neuro--arrgh, it makes my head hurt...
  20. Getting to know you

    Man, shygirl, your avatar is gonna give me seizures....:chuckle I'm Kellie, I'm 28 and in the last semester of an ADN program...have 2 girls, 3 & 7.
  21. What is it about nursing students....

    YES!! EXACTLY my point!! It's freakin' scary. She can kiss some mean a$$ though.....
  22. What is it about nursing students....

    I agree it's scary. I'm in my last semester and there is this girl that is constantly making statements about things that are just plain SCARY!! When we were doing GI & GU..."You mean there's two separate tracts? I thought the urine and feces ...
  23. When we started out, each clinical group had 12 students. Now we've lost a few and are at about 9 per clinical group. So actually you're doing pretty good!!
  24. In XX-large. Please.
  25. Breech of Confidentiality...

    You know, you'd think if your NM had any sense she'd realize that if someone won't even leave their name then what they're claiming is probably a load of shyt....I'm sorry this is happening to you... If you'd like I'll come over there and poke that c...